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Doxshund (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Doxshund (DayZ)

  1. It's the Apocalypse. Where is the Twinkie Factory?!?
  2. Doxshund (DayZ)

    What happened to Virginia 15

    All the Virginia Servers dont stay up for very long. They are constantly up and down all day
  3. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Server issues? Virginia's

    Virginia servers are up and down all day
  4. Get out of electro and off the coast, you wont have issues. Peple need to play smarter
  5. Doxshund (DayZ)

    A different kind of "Let me give you Money" Thread

    When it makes it to release state, make it a DLC. And I will show my support if its $5 or $10
  6. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Bandit Skin Problem!

    You are now a marked target. People will shoot you on sight. Welcome to The Dark Side. Here's your cookie
  7. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    With a bandit skin, you become a marked target and must kill as you are kill on site to others, even if you died a hundred times. Once you go bandit you are stuck as a bandit. Hence the skin is being removed
  8. Doxshund (DayZ)

    my first few hours in / suggestions

    Deer stands and ruins are your friend
  9. Doxshund (DayZ)

    On the subject of Barracks

    Remove the Barracks and increase spawn timers This is supposed to be a survival game but these spawns combined with short spawn timers make survival very easy.
  10. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Too Few Zombies

    Zombie spawns are too few, Zombies are not much of threat, even in Electro and Cherno. please increase them slightly.
  11. Doxshund (DayZ)

    WIRE abuse at barracks by griefers

    Server hoping needs to be addressed
  12. Ya, at $30 I would not have bought it. but at $15 I did. Sale prices actually increase sales and generate sales they would have not gotten. The sale doesnt mean BI gets "nothing" just a reduced "take". but they sold more boxes than without the sale. Edit: I would be willing to show support, if once the mod is released and they did it as a DLC for $5 or $10
  13. Doxshund (DayZ)

    [SOLVED] Amazon Download: CRC Error

    2 big downloads...dont download them at the same time
  14. Doxshund (DayZ) spawnbug still appears

    Is the server updated to this just came out, all severs may not have caught up yet.
  15. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Low FPS

    Rocket is aware the latest patch...killed FPS he is working on a hotfix for it
  16. Doxshund (DayZ)

    You, you and you. You are all part of the problem.

    I got a bandit skin last night off of one kill. So now I am stuck being a bandit, I have to kill others before they kill me.
  17. Doxshund (DayZ)

    1.58 lag

    Rocket is aware an said there will probably be a hotfix tomorrow
  18. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Visibility enforced?

    FPS performance drop caused by the patch will be hotfixed tomorrow per Rocket
  19. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Why am I still a bandit?

    Rocket said Thursday bandit skins should be removed
  20. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Places to find military grade loot

    Bandits drop military grade loot
  21. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Too many downsides playing night?

    . All Severs should be on the same day/night cycle...with shorten cycles .
  22. Doxshund (DayZ)

    You Do Not Get a Cold From Being Cold

    I prefer getting a zombie infection
  23. Doxshund (DayZ)

    Food and water being used offline

    Amazon, why spend twice as much? Install is super easy. I did it and had zero problems