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About Nephireal

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nephireal

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Can you now? Funny because I've had AA off since install and I still get the glitches randomly and flush usually works, but sometimes they seem stubborn and will not be removed until a client restart. Please stop posting utter bullshit as you clearly have no idea what's really causing it.
  2. Reddit post saying you need to go into your Arma2 profile/other profile folders in my documents and delete the game save folder that stores your single player progress. I tested this and confirm it works. Why does it work? Who know. o.O
  3. Nephireal

    Pending Update: Build

    Duping. Is done more than you realize. The change won't be a problem for all the abusers out there.