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General Dickbutt

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Everything posted by General Dickbutt

  1. How do I place tents I picked up in breaking point? I had accidently picked up a tent I've placed before, and now I cant place it anymore. what do I do?
  2. General Dickbutt

    How many nades does it take to blow up a church?

    Or he can logg inn after I smashed the wall? :P
  3. General Dickbutt

    How many nades does it take to blow up a church?

    k. any answers yet?
  4. General Dickbutt

    How many nades does it take to blow up a church?

    That really works? do you need to shoot with a nade or regular ammo? Btw, we got like 4-5 http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/M203_HE and the weapon required to shoot with the nades, will it work or not?
  5. General Dickbutt

    How many nades does it take to blow up a church?

    Crap, my friend went off a bike, and now he's stuck inside the church (You know, the room you cant access) and we decided we were gonna blow up the building but I guess it cant be done.
  6. General Dickbutt

    How many nades does it take to blow up a church?

    Is that supposed to be funny?
  7. General Dickbutt

    How to survive hack teleporting

    Why tell everyone about it? Now there wont be a loot king, just alot of slaughter
  8. General Dickbutt

    I need that bike bro. I need it.

    It was a little boring in the middle of the vid, but the start and end was funny, nice vid.
  9. General Dickbutt

    Six Updater doesn't list

    Get a program called Dayz commander, x100 times better then sixlauncher
  10. General Dickbutt

    Get Moderators That Can Read

    I agree with OP, I dont like most mods here, I got a warning for saying "k." How stupid isnt that
  11. General Dickbutt

    Cant update Dayz

    Six launcher doesnt update for me anymore, and I got the version and version is the latest, I uninstalled that crap program and got Dayzcommander instead. Any idea's how I can download the newest version manually?
  12. General Dickbutt

    Cant update Dayz

    Cheers, I found it
  13. Im usually active on this forums, helping people, chatting, contributing. Now I wrote "k." on one of the mod's threads and he appearantly got mad at me and decided to give me a warning about spamming. This isnt fair, a mod shouldnt abuse his power here, just because I said "k." and agreed with him.
  14. General Dickbutt

    we need vampirez

    guise, todai i thought that we need vampires, because then u can suck people blood, and then they can be vampires too. vampires cant go in the day, but they cant die unless shot in the head or in the heart, also they need to be able to jump 50 times faster then normal humens, and run 50 times faster, and they need to be able to turn into bats. if anyone doesnt agree they should not reply, also a great thing to get is werewolfs, but i cba to explain all dat.
  15. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/61294-we-need-vampirez/ u should check out this i made long ago m8
  16. General Dickbutt

    If dayz was real. :)

    False, you cant place a tent in a car, and you cant weirld a flashlight while wielding a pistol.
  17. General Dickbutt

    About tents.

    I stopped using tents long ago, its so easy to get gear anyways, and tents always fail
  18. General Dickbutt

    Found An SUV Outside Elektro, Will I get Banned?

    If you didnt spawn it, its ok to take it
  19. General Dickbutt

    This is how I run over long distances.

    You should clean your keyboard :|
  20. General Dickbutt

    Hackers NEED to be fixed.

    No one cares, go whine somehwere else. There's like 100 whine threads pr day, go make a whining thread together where you can whine together as a chorus or something.
  21. General Dickbutt

    Camo Clothing or Ghillie Suit?

    Ghillie in the forest and camo in the city. Just a personal choice.
  22. General Dickbutt

    People in elektro

  23. General Dickbutt

    What is this?

    Dont click any suspicious links