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General Dickbutt

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Everything posted by General Dickbutt

  1. General Dickbutt

    Log out ftw.

    If you cant beat them, join them.
  2. General Dickbutt

    everyone on server teliported to same place

    It was a hacker
  3. General Dickbutt

    where is the bike at cap golava?

    Lol'd so hard irl, I dont even know why
  4. General Dickbutt

    Question for Admins

    Yeap, I agree.
  5. General Dickbutt


    Wut? I thought flush was a way to remove visual bugs.
  6. General Dickbutt

    Question for Admins

    Probably is this, a server I used to play on was regular, but now its Veteran, so it is changeable by admin
  7. General Dickbutt

    Random Murder

  8. General Dickbutt

    Up gun damage

    I dont think its that bad tbh, anyways I almost never use my pistol to kill players. I use my pistol to kill zombies, and when I do, 1 shot in the head is enough.
  9. General Dickbutt

    Question for Admins

    Isnt this thing normal on recruit difficulty servers? Could be admin abuse, but I dont know much about that anyways, so its just my thoughts.
  10. General Dickbutt

    DayZ- Script Kiddies Torture Land

    Oh yes, ofcourse c:
  11. General Dickbutt

    DayZ- Script Kiddies Torture Land

    Lol, and since you can press respawn anymore. What are you options?
  12. General Dickbutt

    Lost my server and friends.

    I never experienced the global chat, but it sounds kinda nice
  13. There are 3 different sounds from gunshots. 1. You get hit. 2. The bullet goes right past you 3. The pop sound as you mention, is that they hit something close to you
  14. General Dickbutt

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    What? How do you get up on that building? The building with the writing on it, in the start
  15. General Dickbutt

    Can someone help me please?

    Trust no one, you will live longer.
  16. General Dickbutt

    Bus inside Firestation, Cherno, UK 172

    Probably a hacker, someone on a LU server spawned boats inside the church and market in Cherno today
  17. General Dickbutt

    Oh Come on...

    Thanks man, I would never have figuired out
  18. General Dickbutt

    Oh Come on...

    What? I have never heard of this, fancy telling me how I can hear it?
  19. General Dickbutt

    Bus inside Firestation, Cherno, UK 172

    Seems legit, no snipers on the hills, amiright?
  20. General Dickbutt

    Bandit/Survivor/Humanitarian Idea

    Lol no, kill everyone.
  21. I dont think the weapon people choose has anything to do with age. Well if kids use sniper, then im a 19 year old kid running around with my DMR
  22. General Dickbutt

    What about....?

    I agree with everything except number 6 and 10. 6. people could spam them everywhere in the city, blocking places. 10. too many players on roofs, I just dont see it happen and it would be kinda weird.
  23. General Dickbutt

    Weakest hack I've seen so far.

    Lol, today me and my friend found a boat in the food store in chernogorsk. We then went to the church there and found another boat, was very funny to watch. Unfortantly I dont have any proof though
  24. General Dickbutt

    Serial number error

    Exit steam, open as administrator. Go to games library, find Arma II, right click and properties > Local files. Then proceed to click Verify integrity of game cache, something should pop up then. After that open Arma II. Then exit it. After this do the same to Operation Arrowhead. This should fix your problems