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General Dickbutt

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Everything posted by General Dickbutt

  1. General Dickbutt

    can u carry Multiple rifles, or rifle AND shotgun

    You can wear one and have one in your backpack (2 if you got alice backpack or better)
  2. General Dickbutt

    We all know it. But it is out of hand now.

    >Implying we're on 4chan.
  3. Because then people can turn into elephants and ride unicorns around in Chernogorsk, doesnt sound like much fun to me.
  4. General Dickbutt

    I went to....

    I went to green mountain once, it was terrible.
  5. General Dickbutt

    I went to....

    I looked at your post once, it looked butthurt.
  6. General Dickbutt

    More suggestions

    More suggestions. >have only made 1 post
  7. Whats the point of this post, bragging about a kill or a hint telling people not to trash talk? Either way I still dont see a point.
  8. Uhm, alt f4 forces the game to shut down, just like end task. I think a better way to not die would be to afk for like 10-15 mins or something and then logg out
  9. General Dickbutt

    2 Free AS50's

    Seems legit
  10. General Dickbutt

    new item - wire. traps/snares/fixing light to weapon etc

    No thanks, what if you get nice loot then suddenly blow up because some idiot places a boobytrap there 2 hours ago?
  11. General Dickbutt

    Still think this is a good game?

    If you dont like the game, leave the forum and the game
  12. And you, are several things, let me list them up. 1. An attention whore for using a profile pic of a female. 2. A moron for thinking Im an asshole for player killing which is a part of the game. 3. a huge dipshit for assuming things about people before you have interacted or met them.
  13. If you killed them all after pretending to be nice you could have gotten even sweeter loot.
  14. General Dickbutt

    I'd like to see more vehicles added to DayZ

    I agree, but not as many as you mentioned. They should be considered rare, not common as they would be if it was that many.
  15. General Dickbutt

    Crashed my tractor, Do I need to repair it?

    Ye, come to my workshop and ill repair it for you
  16. General Dickbutt

    Dayz Appeal

    Were you high while making this?
  17. General Dickbutt

    Nightmare inducing mad axeman - Scary stuff

    Im gonna have nightmares for dayz (Pun intended) after watching this ;_;
  18. Can you provide a legit source to this? I want to read it
  19. General Dickbutt

    we need vampirez

    that can be aranged yes, dis is gonna be gud
  20. General Dickbutt

    we need vampirez

    ofc im serious, it luks like a good idea to me
  21. General Dickbutt

    we need vampirez

  22. General Dickbutt

    Have you ever...

    Better tell everyone I lol'd. Noob
  23. General Dickbutt

    More vehicles. Mostly cars

  24. General Dickbutt

    we need vampirez

    stop posing unrelated things plz