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Everything posted by liquidGG

  1. liquidGG

    Suggestions for Alt + F4 issue.

    i like it. Until there are real solid fixes for the disconnecters (10seconds to log out; cant log out for 10seconds after you did any action or got shot) you only should be allowed to join every 5minutes or so a new server.
  2. liquidGG

    Why this mod is failing

    #3 Duping #4 ALT+F4 / DC #5 Zeds too weak and too low audible range for weapons (make zombies hear like humans if you shoot your M107 etc.) Everything of those mentioned supports a bandit playstyle and punishes you to be a survivor. Its harder to be a survivor than a bandit. And its not that cool. Survivors should be able to do housing etc. bandits should only be able to set up the tents. that would make a real cool difference in playstyle. Edit: Survivors should be able to build small villages or fortify existing villages with bulletproff-walls, with own watersupply and energy support. With medical stations, etc. Bandits should be able to raid that shit, but only with very rare gear.
  3. So we heard nothing about this new patch, which should already be done 2 days ago. Can anybody from the Dev-team tell us whats going on there? I mean first you make big announcement about fixing all graphical issues/infinite ammo and tell us you will be done with that patch on wednesday. Yeah now its friday and we heard nothing from you.?! Edit: The reason why I made this post is just the fact, that the game is almost unplayable now, since you cant get close to any military spawns due to the heavy graphical glitches. Even in Cherno and Berenzino you have to avoid certain areas. And i dont want to loot Deer stands for the rest of my DayZ life.
  4. liquidGG

    US 360 Admins tents.

    I guess they also consider raiding their camp city as cheating/hacking. ROFL stupid Admin crew. you totally deserve to get raped.
  5. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    + Fix Admin abuse. So many servers these days are run by Admins who are kicking/banning and even scrpting to obtain superiority on their server.
  6. liquidGG

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Funny stuff that i only got killed/teleported into the debug area while i was trying to raid your tent city on skalisty island. and you tell me that was supposed to be any hacker? GTFO your admin crew is the worst shit i ever saw in this game. I already reported your server to the admins and they will take a look on your server after was released. Oh your signature: i guess we came already at you bro and shitstomped you. Edit2: im talking about this guy whos hacking your server. Edit: anyways we will come back and completely destroy your whole camp city and raid your fucking server down to the ground - without any hacks. And have fun finding your helicopter 500km in the debug area in future. edit3: funny side note: servers which are getting shitstormed and hated so much like yours always have been proved to contain an abusive admin.
  7. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    Patch doesnt fix graphical glitches at all. But they are not listed in the Fixed list. It's an DayZ problem only i guess.
  8. liquidGG

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Thanks for nuking that server. Actually these shitty admins deserve it hard to get raped. Kicking/Banning others which are raiding their tents and abusing server restart to get destroyed vehicles back and the fact they abuse massively the tent-save bug makes them even worse than those scripters. If all hackers/scripters would focus on bringing those shitty admin servers down they would actually be a real value for the community. Abusive Admins? - No probs, we'll call the scriptpolice. LOL
  9. liquidGG

    US 360 Admins tents.

    I joined the server, got killed by some kind of hack and teleported to the debug area. Admins again abusing their powers. Gonna report this shit server.
  10. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    At least something. :P Anybody knows what this means? [94886] Fixed: Possible gear item duplication (private https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36648)
  11. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    *push to be seen and hopefully recognized by somebody from the devteam.
  12. liquidGG


    Well actually its a bit of a problem because the temperature is not shown in the debug monitor. And i really cant find out when to use a heatpack if i just keep an eye on the icon at the bottom right corner. So its a bit of an gamble when to use a heatpack at night/raining. I personally always use 2-3 heatpacks when its raining and 1 at night and everytime i find 1-2 new ones. Getting sick is really hard to cure since antibiotics are very hard to find.
  13. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    Dont worry I'm calm. My "!?" at the end of my sentence is just a sign of the lack of information i have about this topic. But lets stop talking about my state of mind and hope that rocket or somebody else of the devteam will give us an answer about the patch. I guess we are all here because we are very curious to know anything about this amazing mod. :)
  14. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    If the lingor team fixes the graphical issues before the original dayz team, this would be a real shame for them. So i hope they care about THEIR game and not about any other maps or mods.
  15. liquidGG

    Upcoming Patch

    I dont mind if the patch is delayed due to RL issues or maybe the fact that the graphical glitches are much harder to fix than thought. (maybe just remove the dead military-soldier corpses until you found a solution?) But an update about the patch would be really nice. @Carlos: Its just the fact that DayZ is all about farming deerstands and supermarkets now, due to the graphical glitches at military spawns. Most people are going away from DayZ until this issues gets fixed. So its not hard to give us some information about whats going on. I just want to know if i have to wait 2 more weeks until i can finally walk to an airfield again or if its done tomorrow. And since the patch was announced to be released two days ago this question is more about information and not about my RL.