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About SynisterSilence

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  1. I can actually understand where this guy is coming from. If he's gotten used to the xbox controller, and doesn't plan to completely switch over... why not use the controller? I used a mix of K&M and my xbox controller before completely switching over. And for the people who say there isn't enough buttons... you can fit all the needed controls on your controller. Everything else can just be a quick hand movement over to the keyboard. And with the ability to possibly assign buttons that when you hold them down they do something different, that doubles the amount of buttons.
  2. I only play with my rock band mic. /thread
  3. SynisterSilence

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    If you're trying to find your spawn... do what xBiGRiG said, THEN you can figure out where you are on the map here: http://dayzdb.com/map OR You can try to find some landmarks of some sort then find them on that map, relative to where you are.
  4. SynisterSilence

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    That firestation wall glitch saved my life... but then I fell off the roof. :(
  5. SynisterSilence

    how to reduce lag

    Lower-latency and less populated servers are best. Why? Because the server is doing most of the CPU work. High populated or just plain slow server means it's not doing as much work for you. People with fast computers and fast internet don't have to worry about this... but people like me, do. :c Also Go ahead and find some good Arma 2 optimizations. If your FPS is low, just lower all your settings except for your video memory... set that to "Default." Keep your 3D resolution at the same as your native, or if you don't mind some blurriness, one setting lower (for a small FPS boost). There's plenty of other tips, like configs and whatnot... but it's best to go and find and change them yourself, to your own preference.
  6. SynisterSilence

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    Yes! YES!
  7. SynisterSilence

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    Cherno! Yes! YES!
  8. SynisterSilence

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    It may be a sandbox game... but it aims to be VERY realistic. There's a bit too much freedom in the sense that you can do whatever you want with no punishments... you may say that would realistic, but I'd like to think even when earth has turned to hell that people would still act out of niceness and karma. You obviously can't feel bad about killing someone in a video game, but if the game punished you then that would be the next best thing. The game should have a karma system and let you choose what your play-style is gonna be. Bandit? Survivor? Etc... each "class" starts differently and gains and loses karma/other stats differently.
  9. SynisterSilence

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    This makes me think there should be some sort of karma system and that karma effects what loots spawns and whatnot for you. Killing unarmed people? Karma loss. Attacking other players? Karma loss.
  10. SynisterSilence

    can anybody help w running dayz

    Hrm. Well that's nice to know.
  11. SynisterSilence

    Why are people playing this?

  12. SynisterSilence

    can anybody help w running dayz

    I thought this only applied to Shadows...
  13. SynisterSilence

    A positive note from a new player...

    I really hope they do something with the Day-Z team. My friend was talking about the Arma 3 Day-Z rumors and it got me pretty hyped. Just not only the improvements over Arma 2's graphics, tools, etc. But also the thing you can do... he said he heard about being able to build stuff like forts and whatnot.
  14. SynisterSilence

    can anybody help w running dayz

    Well... overclocking your CPU is a very touchy subject and should only be done after you read up on exactly how to do it and the danger of doing it. For perhaps a LITTLE bit of a performance boost you can try overclocking your GPU with MSI afterburner and monitoring it with GPU-Z. But I warn you, overclocking a GPU with knowing what you're doing, just like a CPU, can fry it and give you a bad time. So the best thing to do is bring your clocks up a LITTLE bit, test it, then if everything seems fine bring it up more. Just don't go overboard. ... also don't say I didn't warn you. But for this game, overclocking your GPU isn't going to help, probably. The Arma 2 .cfg's and profiles need some manual tweaking... look up how to do that, instead.
  15. SynisterSilence

    Why are people playing this?

    Yeah... people are mean-asses for no reason. I can already tell I'm not going to like this forum if everyone's a dick over the smallest stuff.