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Everything posted by Counterafk

  1. Hi there! Usually i could see both the Debug monitor and my health indicators, And when i go into Esc - Options - Game Options, it says DayZ UI, I tried all of the options, When i have debug monitor on, the health indicators are all green, even though they arent, when i then change to Default it doesnt show debug but it shows my health indicators, is there a way to see both? Pic's : http://imageshack.us.../3530/dayzw.jpg http://imageshack.us.../1308/dayz2.jpg
  2. Counterafk

    The game

    Hi there! i bought Combined Operations 2 or 3 weeks ago, i started playing, a few days after that, a friend of mine bought it, now i have a couple of friends who are thinking about buying it but thinks it might not be worth the money, so now to the point, Can you guys give me a few reasons why they should buy one of the most awesome games made? Thanks!