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About gamerbuguk

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  1. When done right wl servers aregood. Remember they don't stop anyone joining but it means anyone who wants too join has to jump through a few hoops to do so. That means your typical hacker probably can't be arsed to soon and if they do chances are their grid is being monitored. As for being group hug territory that's just dumb. I'm on the UKhardcore server and there are whole squads of bandits as well as individual survivors running around; just like any standard server.The best thing on the server are the new buildings, removal of overpowered weapons, introduction of new weapons and vehicles and some other cool server options such a zeds spawning for vehicles and base construction.
  2. gamerbuguk

    Tell about your first kill.

    In Cherno near the power station, Guy said he was unarmed and friendly on chat, I was pretty new and just ignored him and carried on (had my first ever gun, the Lee Enfield, and felt pretty good about it). Guy pops up again saying he was unarmed, yet i turn around and he has an axe. Not trusting him I get into one of the industrial sheds with 2 exits and back into a corner so i can see both doors, way I look at it if he doesn't follw it's all good. The guy starts moving from door to door opening and closing them, I assume attempting to throw me off which door hes really at (and failing miserably). He then runs in swinging and get's a bullet to the face; however I also wake up the neighbourhood. About 25 zombies and a broken leg later i'm alive but doing badly and I leave the pile of corpses and my first kill back rotting in that shed. Oh I also had my first death at the hands of a player about 2 minutes later as I was crawling across open ground with my broken leg. Distant gunshot 1 miss, distant gunshot 2, dead.
  3. Hard choice between the M4A3 and the SD, I think I slightly prefer the A3 - just felt more accurate.
  4. gamerbuguk

    M24 Night Vision scope

    Would prefer no nv snipers or maybe nv only like the fn fal. Also would like to see thermal removed.
  5. gamerbuguk

    Things you've never found

    Never legit found rather than off a corpse or on a tent: L85 NVGs Rangefinder GPS Radio Antibiotics SVD Never found anywhere: M240 Rocket launcher Satchel charges M4A1 holo Found for the first time legit last night in the bar in Berez: Mountain Dew!
  6. gamerbuguk

    ITT : Post your best gear yet

    I think I've had every weapon in the game at some point or at least seen it lying about. Last night i ignored the fn fal with scope at a crash site, didn't see the point in it. As for items again I've had them all at one time or another. Only thing I've never seen or found are mountain dew and satchel charges oh and the rocket launcher.
  7. gamerbuguk

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    37 year old Brit. Been gaming since i was 8. I play the survivor, medic, helpful guy role. Gained my hero skin a week ago and have been shot dead more often since then than in the past few months of playing.
  8. Mine disappeared yesterday as well. Only had food and survival gear in it. But the big loss was my spare coyote backpack. Hopefully it'll show back up after a restart. Not sure about my other tent its on the other side of the map.
  9. gamerbuguk

    Heli crash sites

    4 camo suits would say to me at least a few were probably swapped for Ghillie suits and left behind..
  10. gamerbuguk

    How lucky are you?

    walking around on the weekend I decided that an m24 would compliment my M4SD and camo clothing look nicely. However I'd only ever seen the CZ550 and the AS50 ever as a pick up in the game. 1 hour later walked into a hanger and found an m24. Across this weekend I have found an M43 CCO, an M249, an M14, a DMR, some NVGs, a range finder and a GPS. I then got shot dead on top of the ACT at the NE airfield last night, so I assume looting my corpse was another guys lucky day? I guess that's my fault for not adopting a shoot on sight policy and instead I tried to shoot the zombies chasing him; still I just can't bring myself to be 'that guy' just yet. Besides it did make me realise how much fun starting again can be.
  11. Survivor, but I still always carry a blood bag just in case I find someone who doesn't try to kill me and needs some help. Have to say I've never actually used that blood bag though, as I've yet to meet anyone in the last 4 weeks that didn't have an itchy trigger finger.
  12. I can confirm this worked like a charm. I got teleported by hackers about 15 mins ago, tried the roll back trick and I am once again fully geared on the beach (unfortunately near Cherno) but at least I'm alive and not stranded in the wilderness. Big thanks for the solution. You have my beans.
  13. gamerbuguk

    Whats your worst Dayz luck?

    Take your pick: 1) Being alive for over 2 weeks had decent gear such as an M249 and about 4 ammo boxes and died by falling into the quarry. Well I fell a distance, went unconscious, woke up, bandaged my wounds and as I was applying the bandage I slipped further down the hill and died. 2) This weekend I found my first ever coyote backpack in a deer stand, then came across an AS50 at a crash site. Managed to fire a grand total of 2 rounds from the AS50 just to test it out, before needing to log out and give the game a rest for the day. Logged back in the next day and the backpack was gone, along with my AS50. Took me about an hour to find another backpack, and the first pack I came across when normally finding Alice packs in every supermarket? A Czech vest pouch. Best luck? Trading shots with a bandit one night, he shot at me with an MP5S and I strafed and he didn't hit me, I returned fire and got a head shot (he proned, so the head shot was less skill and more inevitable, as that was all I had to shoot at). He then called me a cheater after dying and I thought "screw you, I didn't start the shooting and its not my fault your a bad shot". I then looted the body and it was then I realised I was down from 12000 blood to 1600! Turns out he wasn't that bad of a shot and if I hadn't realised and applied a bandage I would have been dead (I had no idea as it was already dark so I didn't notice the screen go black and white). Next few hours were spent hunting and falling unconscious but in the end I managed to get back to full health; this is also the same character that died by falling in the quarry, so wasn't a fairy tale ending.
  14. gamerbuguk

    What do YOU carry?

    1 stack of flares 1 smoke grenade 2-3 water bottles 4-6 cooked meat (for health regen) 3-4 bandages 2-3 morphine 1-2 painkillers 1 heat pack (never actually used one to this day) 1 epi-pen just in case I find someone who doesn't try to kill me 1 blood bag for the same reason. Usually 1 can of food to remove hunger when I don't need health whatever sidearm I can get my hands on and about 3-4 clips (Currently an M1911) whatever primary I can get my hands on and about 3-4clips (currently an AK Kobra) Rarely carry wood as I'll just go chop some when needed. First thing I dump if my bags get over filled are the blood bag or epi-pen
  15. gamerbuguk

    Legit Survivor.

    I guess I just haven't needed too as much as you, probably only aggro a zombie one in every 5 play sessions, that said I can imagine my play style would bore the pants off many people, spend way too much time crawling about... beginning to think I'm devolving into a snake or worm.