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Everything posted by syk0trip

  1. syk0trip

    How do i reset my character????

    That can usually be resolved by updating to current version. this worked for me just FYI. if you are current hopefully it get resolved for you.
  2. syk0trip

    How do i reset my character????

    run around in Electro, someone will gut you lol
  3. syk0trip

    20 rules of DayZ

    #69 - Never raid Admin camps and fire bomb it, this will get you banned :D #666 - If you see a vehicle on the side of the road, good chance its a admins and taking it will get you banned :lol: other than those great post!! you can have my can of Frank and Beans sorry its dented i got from the clearance aisle :emptycan:
  4. syk0trip

    Lee Enfield, Yay or Nay?

    When I get bored I will pick up a Enfield and *ring* the dinner bell :lol:
  5. I do have to say thats pretty funny....
  6. syk0trip

    About to buy - couple questions

    Yes, Combined Operations
  7. syk0trip

    About to buy - couple questions

    Also, make sure you have plenty of space both ArmA2 and OA 7gb each. so you need roughly 25-30gb to install 14 for the pre-install and 14 for the completed installation
  8. syk0trip

    About to buy - couple questions

    I also bought thru Amazon. Didnt have any problems. Amazons version is 1.59 for OA. you will need to dl' both the 1.6 and 1.62 patch from ArmA2 site to run.
  9. syk0trip

    How well geared are you?

    What no kills? O.o I second that notion