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About aesaunic

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. So, I've been recently delving into DayZ and all it's variants, mods, scripts, additions and doodads. It's incredible how well the community has received this game since last year and I love (mostly) the direction devs have taken the DayZ compendium. However, I am MISSING NIGHT TIME PLAY. The suspense of a dark night is so enthralling. So where are the night servers? Even if it was an accelerated time cycle I'd love to get some night play in knowing there's more than 10 players on the server. It keeps pacing slow, players aware, and offers less forgiveness that high noon PvP o'clock ****fest. Anyone know of a good server (for any mod) I am hungering to experience DayZ like I did when the only reverse time server was Virgina 13 (Midnight Oil.) Chime in with suggestions or if you remember the 'good ol' dayz.'
  2. About Myself: I've been playing DayZ since May of 2012 with breaks on and off. Just recently got myself a new AMD 7870 and decided to give DayZ a whirl once again. Instantly hooked and having a a blast. I refuse to use Skype for voice communications, must be TS3, Mumble or Ventrilo. I can also offer a 25 slot mumble server that I run off a VPS in Atlanta, Georgia (RamNode VPS) I've always been mostly bandit oriented but not silly/risky. I'm all about smart, tactical, and relentlessly coordinated attacks. Have been playing since OFP. I play ACE when not playing DayZ. Located in US, Central Time Zone (CST) My conditions: Must be 18 years or older (Or at least sound mature / handle yourself well.) Must be a native English speaker Smart, friendly (to your group) Gear whores need not apply No smacktards or bros plz Must have headset I would appreciate this thread not be spammed with clan advertisement. If you have clan offers please PM them to me.
  3. See topic. Also tried getting the files manually from BattleEye and it's still 1.167
  4. aesaunic

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    Being about 10 minutes from repping a chopper and then getting thrown to the Thunderdome. Feels bad, man.
  5. aesaunic

    hack or legaly painted car?

  6. Yeah, somethings gotta change. I think the daylight further exacerbates the roflstomp CoD kiddies. I just want to make it known that I love PvP, but Arma has always imo been about smart, precise killing. Not lulzing around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
  7. It's people like you who assume I'll stand within it's light ;)
  8. True, maybe a less darker night, as been suggest many times in the past. I know vanilla ARMA nights are still dark enough to present a challenge. Maybe ambient glow off cities (while a bit unrealistic) would help. Or hey! Maybe Rocket could get off his arse and script it to where generators can be powered back on! So many possibilities, yet we get a patch that disables respawn button and presents tons of artifacts :rolleyes:
  9. Fair enough, but there are flares and chemlights for a reason ;)
  10. It's been a little over 2 months of play and it's saddening to see the amount of populated night servers screech to a halt. Remember when there were about 10 reverse cycle servers (my favorite being VA13 - Midnight Oil) and people HAD to deal with the darkness? The problem now is there are SO many reverse cycle servers that the community insta jumps at about 7-10PM PST-EST over to a daylight server. Daytime is fun, but night time is FUCKING GREAT, even without NVGs. It slows you down, it slows potential adversaries down and you can't get picked off from 1000+ KM because guess what!? The nasty snipers can't scope in with NVG :P I think if the community would stop running to a daylight server the second the sun starts to set we'd have a much richer, well informed community that isn't hellbent on stashing 5+ tents with military crap and hording every vehicle they can touch. Please play a night server for more than ten minutes and experience what you're missing out on. ARMA 2 has AWESOME lighting effects, but if you're uncomfortable with pitch black, then pop the gamma up a little and get your bearings. IMHO DayZ really starts to show off how unforgiving, thrilling, and immersive it can be when the sun goes down... /Rant
  11. Why does everyone cry about farming? Hell I am tickled to death to hit the barracks and find 20 guns on the ground with ammo for each. Makes my life that much easier ;) Cheers!
  12. aesaunic

    Pending Update: Build

    Good fixes I guess, but I'm disappointed that the same shit gets broken/"fixed." Been watching this same old song and dance since 1.5 era. (Maybe even longer, back when we still had helis) So can you guys actually concoct some content rather than breaking/fixing zombies, tents, vehicles, connecting, camo, and loot spawns over and over...and over again. It'd be charming to see some actual game changing content rather than what's been added since then (Crowbar, Hatchet, Bear Trap, Double Barrel) :rolleyes: Seriously, bruv, I love the game but have dreaded these patches every time they come out. I'm sitting in a corner now shaking just wondering what's going to be fucked up next. Inb4 12 year olds scream "ITS AN ALPHA WHARRRRBLGARBBLLL"
  13. Thanks for the prompt reply! If purchased can I work out a GMT/UTC +1 or +2 server from HFB?