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About chachi_wan

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  1. chachi_wan

    Day Z Videos

    Right place, right time :)
  2. chachi_wan

    How many of you bought arma 2 just for dayz?

    Get the Project Reality mod. It is awesome. http://www.realitymod.com/downloads
  3. chachi_wan

    Day Z Videos

  4. ya it must be awfully tiring being the imaginary boss mod of the forums. Btw this is a suggestion thread not a i hope my suggestion doesn't cause perplexing angst to Bakst the controller of imaginary forums mod. Go critique your moms movember mustache u arrogant cheese dick.
  5. I'd like to see some random skill set generation upon spawn. Some spawn as medic, some as mechanic, some construction skill set. These specific skill sets would be required to say cure a disease when sick or repair a vehicle. Adding this feature would give the game a more realistic edge and force some co-operation between survivors. Discoverable text books could also be in the loot table to educate your character to becoming a more self sufficient survivor. Other possible skills could include hunter(for gutting and preparing food). Aviator for flying.
  6. chachi_wan

    Day Z Videos

    Ambush style.
  7. chachi_wan

    DayZ Screenshots!

    found these titties in game.
  8. chachi_wan

    Days Lived

    what kind of loser would idle for 30 days?
  9. chachi_wan

    Days Lived

    I think it'd be cool if there were special perks for surviving for designated periods of time. An example would be survive 10 days and aquire a set of co-ordinates to a vehicle or spawn with map, something like that, survive 20-30 days and gain the ability to respawn with current weapon after you are killed. Surviving beyond 30 days allows you to pick a spawn point on map with your current weapon but at least 300m from where u died. EDIT: Also the type of game u play will affect the perks. Being a pure bandit will negate accrued survival days, for every 3 murders of a survivor a survival perk day is lost.