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Everything posted by Daddy'o

  1. Daddy'o

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Awesome, thanks so much for the tent love man!! Now if we could only get them to load proper after server crashes and such, then I would have your babies. And yes, I would have the best doctors in the world to insert a womb in to me.
  2. This is unfortunate because I'm sitting in a forest close to a good spot, with my bag packed full of good loot and nowhere to store it all :(
  3. As far as I know, there are only 2 barracks buildings in the entire map. The worse part is that they're at the same location. I would like there to be at least 2 more buildings, at another location. This prevents one single group from constant camping the best loot in the game. Probably both sited would then be constacamped but that's still better. That is all ^_^
  4. Daddy'o

    Tents!!! AHHHH

    Usually a good idea to browse through a few pages, or use the search function. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5245
  5. Daddy'o

    More barracks, that is all

    According to the loot table, barracks contain significantly more military grade weaponry, those from military buildings and stations, plus dedicated ones you apparently cant get from anywhere else. At least according to the loot tables. The point of it would be that right now one group of people can camp their nvgs from the barracks and silenced guns, and just camp it basically forever, without much danger. Having a second site elsewhere would open up this equipment more for a broader audience, while still being highly risky to obtain.
  6. To me it matters a lot if it makes it less or more realistic. This would definately make it less realistic. I mean come on? Disappearing vehicles? Invisible tools to claim land? You just wanna have nice things and you don't want to be able to lose them. DayZ is a brutal realistic world where you are worth less than your gear. If you have a nice car, people SHOULD be able to steal it. They SHOULD kill you in the process and take everything from you. and finally you SHOULD NOT have anything you can't defend by your own wits and guns.
  7. Another hour spent running around. Not working :(
  8. Daddy'o

    Tents dissapear again

    I second this bug report. Impossible to place. Also, would be nice if the tents loaded reliably after server crashes and reboots :)
  9. What the heck is this about getting banned because picking up a gun?? Makes no effin sense, why are there guns spawning that net you a ban, and secondly, why does picking up a gun considered "not allowed" get you a ban? Just have the server kick you if you pick it up or something. But please clarify the first question, why are some guns banned and why do they spawn if they are banned?
  10. Daddy'o

    missing tent

    Couple threads on this already. You could have pitched in those. It's a known bug, but I've heard that the tent might not actually be fully gone, it's still there in the database, but it doesnt always load properly. So chances are you might still find it. Remember that the tent despawns 2 days after you die.
  11. Daddy'o

    Do not place a large weapon in coyote

    yeah never shove stuff in the backpack unless you KNOW it will fit there. Rifles take 10 slots. If there isn't room, the item will disappear.
  12. Daddy'o

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. If you need more cash injections, make shitloads more content and sell them as DLC. Community and Studio servers would be optimal. Studio developed but input from community taken seriously. Best case scenario tbh.
  13. Daddy'o

    Non-bandit server.

    Why on earth would they take the bandit skin out?? takes all the risk out of being a bandit! What is the point of humanity then? You can just walk up to anyone and they wont immediately see you're a bad guy, you can go "hey sup? BANG" and take their shit. Not a good decision imo... you're an outlaw, you should keep to the shadows, stalk, hunt, stay out of sight until it's too late for your victim! ARGH!
  14. Daddy'o

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    What's wrong with you people... The entire point of this mod is to portray a terribly dangerous, dubious world full of uncertainty, where you can trust no one, where people will shoot you out of fear and requirement. This mod is about: -Trusting no one -Valuing your life - Valuing your gear - Doing what you need to survive -Constantly weighing good will against paranoia, because both can pay off You people with your Whitelists and comments about how the community is disgusting seems to be from a shock that this mod is the opposite of what ArmA is. Here you can trust no one, you have no assured friends, no assured back up. You have difficulty adapting to harshness like this, because nothing is granted like you've gotten used to. If you wouldn't get shot everytime you did a stupid move, got careless and didnt weigh your every step and every shot, what would be the effin point? It would suck the fun right out of the entire mod. So what kinda people would you whitelist, people who only carebear around killing zombies until everyone has everything and everyone quits playing after 2 days? Jeez...
  15. Daddy'o

    [1.5.7] Missing Tents/Cars

    Bumbing this for great justice. I wouldn't care if nothing else was fixed ever and nothing more added, if tents became reliable! Edit: Adding that this did indeed happen to me as well. Server suffered a momentary crash and restart, as they do several times a day, and when I got back in 2 minutes after the tent had disappeared along with all the shiny things inside. I hope the tent is still infact there, as was stated, but just not visible until a proper server restart.
  16. Daddy'o

    [1.5.7] Buggy chemlights

    Except maybe they do work but your system specs conflict with the chems and dont render them properly?