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hawnji (DayZ)

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Posts posted by hawnji (DayZ)

  1. just so you know...1679 is my server. i am owner and sole admin to the server. if you believe i was "abusing my powers" you are wrong sir. Just so you know, a player named space monkey was hacking on my server and has been banned. If battleye kicks you for script restriction it usually means a hacker attempted to kill/tele/morph or something unnatural to the game. If you had done any research at all you would know if an admin kicks or bans you it straight up says "admin ban" or "admin kick". Battleye restriction kicks are automatic due to script protection filters enabled in the server. If you wanna see the proof of space monkey hacking i will be glad to show you as i save all logs since the creation on my server. Next time please look things up before you start shitting on admins and insta-calling abuse. I currently pay for and admin the server by myself and do a damn good job of it. and it cracks me up that you people call out admins like they are the main problem even though it is super evident that hackers have pretty much over ran the game. admins cant spawn items, teleport, or instakill people on the server. learn the facts before you slander an admin.

    its k


  2. why you gotta sit in here talkin shit and making bullshit stories up? no one got banned for camp destroying or anything of the sort. but now the facts...

    1. I am the ONLY admin on the server...so for 3 days you only saw myself in the server? gtfo kid

    2. I have never kicked anyone from the server while they were playing unless it was a proven hacker.

    3. I dont add random people on steam...i have 14 people on there and know them all. your not part of that club. again...i am the sole US 1679 admin. read the comments on server join.

    4. No one was banned from the server for bs reasons. not your friend or your dumbass. you wanna rage the fuck out about a server...guess what..dont care and find one of the other 4000 servers available.

    5. you want a copy of my ban list? ill be more than happy to give it to you.

    5. cry me a river kid

    im out

  3. probably requires restart... im looking at my ban list and the bans ive added look like this.

    5f2eff5e9f8f1f9d367508bbd2d0e0fd -1 you are a hack go away

    e6b9711d75e25c270bbab20420da1106 -1 you are a hack go away

    f0387ae6a016e1dafd3c1baa896aa967 -1 you are a hack go away

    884695b379b1d470a3e0540f20e1968e -1 you are a hack go away

    cb839b0d4ac3ef5b5630d210069a37f9 -1 you are a hack go away

    eff7d73f6d1c9afaff4c3d7b468068ba -1 you are a hack go away

    dabe16729c347349510919a87f34e9a7 -1 you are a hack go away

    93d8b7dfb3d7839315b00bc546f9ab2a -1 you are a hack go away

    2bf6ddc62fbcc80d0def6eedf5e0f347 -1 you are a hack go away

    c74d394733a25f10704d36e948428cfa -1 you are a hack go away

    7f1ee9864b584da4266439e8a441675b -1 you are a hack go away

    06e6358a63ac4990bf8dd4ac8a3afdd2 -1 you are a hack go away

    3e6f0a8ebb266e91b018ad7a9743bcb4 -1 you are a hack go away

    966645d1f34a6ef9dcd70e65a884c918 -1 you are a hack go away

    3732549d53b262b8a4765df530f1b65d -1 you are a hack go away

    b11de0438fa39a0971e1cf1fd64defe3 -1 you are a hack go away

    the only comment i ever put is "you are a hack go away"...let me try a restart in the morning..see if i can get you fixed. i dont see your guid in the ban list anywhere.

    BTW - your not the only one having this problem. 2 of my friends are currently banned. one for "being a seagull" and the other for "spawny choppy thingies" so yeah..wtf

  4. might wanna check your server staus again. we had an issue the other night where my hosting provider Vilayer pushed a security update and shut down the server till i could apply it. the bad thing is they are located across the sea so this happened at like 2 am in the morning here. i quickly applied it and got the server back up. what i didnt know is my ban list was gone and nothing was replacing it. without a ban list it acted as if everyone was banned even myself. And for the nice story of resetting to get my tents back, those were not my tents and nor do i care if they were destroyed. the server is only restarted or shutdown for updates or hacking attempts (ie lame thunderdome or teleporting). sorry for the confusion and trust me...this has been more of a pain in my ass then yours.

    TLDR; your not banned

  5. might wanna check your server staus again. we had an issue the other night where my hosting provider Vilayer pushed a security update and shut down the server till i could apply it. the bad thing is they are located across the sea so this happened at like 2 am in the morning here. i quickly applied it and got the server back up. what i didnt know is my ban list was gone and nothing was replacing it. without a ban list it acted as if everyone was banned even myself. when i got home i rebuilt the ban list and you my friend are not on it. sorry for the confusion and everything should be back in working order.

  6. 03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #36 1];

    sleep 0.05;

    _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A

    03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #55 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];




    03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #147 velocity _v select 2;

    if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0

    since this is your third post about the same subject...ill just post the script. oh and

    yet the admin still banned us for it leading me to believe he was one of the hackers or just an idiot but i don't think we should be banned for something we didn't do .
    insulting the owner of the server will not help your case.

  7. 03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #36 1];

    sleep 0.05;

    _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A

    03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #55 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];




    03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #147 velocity _v select 2;

    if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0])

    from the way things look. seems you and your imaginary "friend" hacked my server and were caught considering you locked out my kick function and still pressed on to the thunderdome which caused me to completely shut down my server. i started kicking my friends before you to save their gear and supplies and had no trouble doing so. when i came upon kicking you, i couldnt. first clue on hacker status. after 6 attempts to try and kick, i started server shut down to deny your hacks and your thunderdome. if you want to see more proof of your running script, just ask and you shall receive.

    • Like 3

  8. 03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #36 1];

    sleep 0.05;

    _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A

    03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #55 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];




    03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #147 velocity _v select 2;

    if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0

    this is what im looking at. Until i can prove without a doubt it was a magic demon who hacked the server. there isnt much else i can say. i have much more of the script if you would like to see it.
