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Everything posted by Booooo

  1. Booooo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey im in west of cherno pm me if you can help 3k blood
  2. im looking to trade my NVG's/Rangefinder/SVD camo/m4a1 cco sd/coyote bp for ghille suit and as50 PM me
  3. I have a AS50 for trade with 5 magazines for a ghille suit
  4. Looking to trade my NVG's and m4a1 cco for ghille suit
  5. Hey i have a extra set of NVG's and a m4a1 cco for trade
  6. Booooo


    Looking for an experienced duo partner.... i have 7 weeks of experience and am looking for someone with around 5 with ok-good gear that we can cause havoc or hlep some noobs out
  7. after you used youre bandage on him i shoulsd have killed him noobs always have a bunch
  8. Booooo

    Vybor Sniping

  9. Booooo


  10. hey whats up i have a as50 with ammo
  11. Booooo


    haha yeah i thought i was the only one thinking that
  12. Booooo


    sorry im part scotish but im not intersted just a duo
  13. hey bro i sent you a private message
  14. Booooo

    Do Any Medics have Antibiotics ?

    i have antibiotics pm me
  15. looking for somewhat experienced/mature/cool/american/good geared SURVIVOR Contact me through Skype (kevinswift7)
  16. I am currently dieing with 4k blood left please if u can help send me a private message
  17. Booooo

    M107 for nvg and ghille?

    im interested i have nvgs and a ghille suit send me a pm
  18. Booooo


    im interested i sent you a private mesage