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Everything posted by toastymcbutterbuns

  1. toastymcbutterbuns

    Remove hide body option

    :facepalm: This is blasphemy!!! :bandit:
  2. toastymcbutterbuns

    Remove hide body option

    1) Half of the game is unrealistic (but far more than most other games). 2) Hiding helps to prevent people don't survive then kill you. 3) It makes the game run faster 4) Maybe those people who hid didn't want you to know ten zombies got killed there 5) It helps retrieve crossbow bolts (sometimes) and helps you loot other zombies who are under a pile of zombies.
  3. toastymcbutterbuns

    FPS - please save me. Details inside

  4. What is your age? 14 How long have you been playing DayZ? Just starting out, played at a friends house a fair amout since makarov version. Where do you live? Orlando, Florida What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Anything that is needed, I like doing the best I can to be helpful. What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? I'm willing to be a meat shield or bait, scout, spotter, and die for the team! Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B) 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Reconize them to see if they are clan or not, talk and try to get response, if none, shoot. Possibly hide and flank entrance. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? GO PRONE! Then open fire, while having everyone doing their respected jobs to the best of their ability to best suite the job, even if that means a medic using a rifle and a sniper using a pistol. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? Shoot them, no mercy. What could we gain from helping them? Lost supplies or getting shot at? No thank you. Better to kill him and take his equipment.
  5. You sir, do not have my beans.
  6. :facepalm: http://files.sharenator.com/1_I_Dont_Want_to_Live_on_This_Planet_Anymore-s500x282-295658-580.jpg
  7. toastymcbutterbuns

    I have a confession to make :(

    This acually translates to "redo it right!"
  8. toastymcbutterbuns

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    toasty mcbutter buns approves :murder: OF HACKING!!!...Just kidding, hacking's horrible :facepalm:
  9. toastymcbutterbuns


    This is what you get...nothing...
  10. toastymcbutterbuns

    Best Gear youve ever gotten?

    Flashlight :facepalm:
  11. toastymcbutterbuns

    a normal day in churno

    <---Ever see this in churno?
  12. toastymcbutterbuns

    Looking for a partner for survivor duo

    Hmmm, I will be willing to join, except i've barely played and won't be able to for up to a week. But, after that i will probably be on more. Do you have any chatting programs for the mics that you use/prefer?
  13. I am willing to give beans, a makorav magazine, and a bottle.