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Everything posted by toastymcbutterbuns

  1. toastymcbutterbuns

    More Melee Options

    Throwing weapons would also be awesome.
  2. toastymcbutterbuns

    More Melee Options

    It would also be cool if, when using the hunting knife, you are crouched and backstab someone, that it does double damage. Also, it should be 1.5x faster or something like that. :rolleyes:
  3. toastymcbutterbuns

    Binoculars and rangefinder?

    What if you're a spotter? Then it would help to have rangefinders. "facepalm"
  4. toastymcbutterbuns

    Official Rocket Identities

    Oh no, the hypocrite is back!
  5. toastymcbutterbuns

    Official Rocket Identities

    It says you are 31 now, and it said you joined 5 years ago...So you were only 26 when you made it...Well then icemotoboy.
  6. So, I 've been playing this at my friends house for a while and I have been wondering, does it matter if you download from steam or not? Does it affect anything ingame?
  7. toastymcbutterbuns

    Does it matter if you download through steam or not?

    Yeah, groups are good. :)
  8. toastymcbutterbuns

    Does it matter if you download through steam or not?

    Thank you, how long or hard is it to access without steam?
  9. toastymcbutterbuns

    Booby traps

    :facepalm: ...yes...
  10. toastymcbutterbuns

    A New Hero

    No :facepalm:
  11. toastymcbutterbuns

    Microphone Problems

    It's funny because your name is "names are for noobs", yet you are a noob. :facepalm:
  12. :facepalm: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  13. toastymcbutterbuns

    Curiousity from a fellow DayZ player

    P.S. That profile picture is just disturbing. I know mine is too, btu at lease mine's a fictional character.
  14. toastymcbutterbuns

    Curiousity from a fellow DayZ player

    You know what everyone's answer is going to be. "I don't care, it's still hacking and should be gone." :facepalm: Honestly, I don't like it because it is still cheating. Even if it does "help" other players, it just is helping them cheat too. That takes a lot of the fun out of it for others players when a newly spawned has a ghillie suit, night vision goggles, an as50, m4 silenced, etc. It is just completely stupid.
  15. It is in real time based on the timezone you play on. For example, if it's nightime where you live (and you play on a US server) it will be nightime on dayz. You can have it be daytime during night by going on another country's server, but you will probably get bad connection. Also, if you log in at one time and wait a few days, those count as your characters lived time.
  16. toastymcbutterbuns

    Just discovered that you can use a Xbox 360 Controller.

    Is that one of those programs where you set the conroller buttons as keys? You may want to look up all the controls. Also, is it easier with controller? Please post a video and send it to me so I can see. :thumbsup:
  17. toastymcbutterbuns

    My newest goal in DayZ.

    That's why it's funny
  18. toastymcbutterbuns

    Everytime I log in, I have fainted forever

    :facepalm: Just try to die, you also need to have food/drink on you when you are logged out.
  19. toastymcbutterbuns

    Hacker Caught on Film!!

    You expect us to watch all of this? :facepalm:
  20. toastymcbutterbuns

    Infection and the cure?

    :facepalm: Half of these you allready have to be bothered with when attacked by JUST a zombie. Other things will just make it worse too. ^
  21. toastymcbutterbuns

    Infection and the cure?

    Why? That would make it just more frustrating. You already have to stop bleeding, heal, stop the shakes, fix broken bones, eat food, drink water, survive other players, survive regular zombies, soon survive dogs, etc. Why would we need another thing to bother us with in the game?
  22. toastymcbutterbuns

    Looking for good group.

    Age-14 Mic-Logitech headset with mic, I also have some others I believe. Skype-grayson816 TimeZone-I think it is -5, I am in Orlando, Florida (USA), but I don't mind playing on other timezones Language-Obviously English B) P.S. I might not be able to play for a couple days or so. I am also joining a clan, so we can also play togather.
  23. toastymcbutterbuns

    Thoughts On Green Mountain?

    Shhhhh...they can hear....
  24. toastymcbutterbuns

    Should I buy this game?

    Get arma 2 free first and see if the mechanic are good enough. Then, but Arma 2 co if you want to play dayz. Also, try to play at a friends house. The game is still in alpha, so it has some problems, but it will get a lot better. Even if you don't like dayz, at lease you can play arma 2/ operation arrowhead.