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About ayser

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. So I joined >> THIS << server. If you'd like to see an admin abuse their kicking rights, this is literally heaven for you. Upon joining the server, I saw several people inside of a building duping their bodies, i'm guessing for their clan members (LiT). What did I do? Of course - I kill them. They keep running back trying to look their bodies and verbally assaulting me and a friend of mine. Several kills later (after running back to loot their body) we were getting constant kicks off the server. So we read the title, got on their Teamspeak server, and was automatically demanded to tell everyone in the lobby where my location was because "They were looking for somebody". I tell them i'm not going to tell over 8 people where my location is, and shortly after I get banned for being a douchebag. I had lots of fun killing dupers though, i'll admit that. Server:
  2. BE does that "Client not responding" crap for several reasons; -Either your BE isn't installed / Working correctly -Your connection is slow/Desync with the server -The server is lagging Have you found a fix yet?
  3. The radio station isn't in-game guys.. It's just like a shout-cast radio, all web browser. But go for it :D
  4. ayser

    DayZ Mod Update

    * [uPDTAED] - Combat/zombie logout + anti-duping overhall "Updtaed" * [FIXED] - Variable spelling mistakes hsould be corrected now. "hsould" Hmmmmmm, Ironic isn't it :P
  5. ayser

    Hacker on US 3527

    Pics or it didn't happen Seriously though, we need proof.
  6. ayser

    help with my build!?!?

    ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Gen 3, or ASUS P8P67 3.1 Rev. I have both, i've used both with a 2600k, both work beautifully, but the ASUS P8P67 is slightly easier to understand how to overclock.
  7. ayser

    Frame rate problems?

    If you have more problems, don't overclock your GPU expecting higher FPS in ArmA 2. The game is mainly CPU dependant :P
  8. ayser

    Im such a noob

    If you don't know the controls, play the campaign (ArmA 2, not OA), and you'll know most of them :) Once you're control savvy, you can move on. Run around until you find houses, run from zombies, if you keep running they will catch up but (almost always) do no damage. You can look at http://dayzmap.info/ , look for a road sign, and find where you are.
  9. ayser

    In the market for a new computer.

    Change that 3770 to a 2500k (+ A hyper212 plus), and change that 640 to a..... 660 ti. And you have yourself a gaming PC :thumbsup:
  10. ayser

    is this an OK processor for this game?

    ArmA is all CPU and little GPU. You can upgrade the processor without buying a new computer. You just take the side panel out from your case, take the heatsink out of your processor, take it out, put in a new one, apply thermal paste, put the heatsink, put back the side panel, and you're done. If you're going to upgrade, try to look at tomshardware or overclock.net, there's a lot of useful information if you're new to removing/adding pieces of hardware!
  11. If you're planning on playing DayZ, try to edge yourself to an Nvidia card, I heard some bad stories with ATI cards glitching the heck out on the ArmA/Arma 2 engine... A 660 ti, or if that's too much, possible a 560 ti will do you some good!
  12. ayser

    ArmA 2 and DayZ Lags Just Now

    Meh... Try using -winxp in parameters, may help... But that processor and that graphic card i'm honestly suprised you're getting more than 10 FPS :P Have you updated your game recently? Maybe a possible beta patch messed with your settings. If you already havent, change your video settings in game to the lowest/off setting.
  13. ayser

    DayZ breaking computer?

    Use MSI after burner to change the speed fan. You definitely have a problem with the stability of your graphic card... Might want to look into a cheap one, possible a GTX 470 (Go for about $150 I believe)
  14. I was a hacker in plenty of games back in 2008/9, and I haven't hacked since then. Once you make the first mistake you realize it (from the ban) and usually stop.. Calm down you guys, this is a support forum, not a putaniggadown subsection. If you've uninstalled and reinstalled the game and it still isn't working, try using Revouninstaller, it'll hunt down all files and registries for the program you're uninstalling, hopefully that'll work.