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Everything posted by SpeedyBanana

  1. Being able to do everything by yourself is not only unrealistic but it also removes incentive to work together with others rather than just shoot on sight and steal.Most people have never changed a tire in their life and would sure as hell not have the skills to fix a broken car. A bandage would at best only serve as a temporary solution to bullet wounds and serious injuries, and without professional medical attention you would end up dying soon enough. A class system or skill system would give people something to work towards and a lot of real benefits to co-operating with others. Someone may be a skilled mechanic, and could repair your car, or repair your weapons and equipment. Others may have medical training and could nurse you back to health or cure your diseases and infections. Perhaps you would need medical skills in order to identify which pills do what. Realistically.. if you find a bottle of pills with some obscure medical name... how would you even know what they are used for unless you have some medical knowledge? As you use your skills, you would gain more of them. Eventually you could build compasses, draw maps, make backpacks, build radios, fix cars, modify cars (more fuel, faster speeds, better tires, etc). Groups of people could combine their skills and resources to build structures, such as sandbag bunkers, metal chests that can be used to safely store equipment, weapons, ammo, etc. This would give players that are willing to work together real advantages for doing so, which currently do not exist in the game. It's simply more advantageous to shoot someone on site and steal all their stuff than trying to communicate with them and work together. People could then form around bands of survivors and the focus of PvP would then change more to group vs group rather than some moron with a sniper rifle camping a hill.
  2. This mechanic is broken and it's really just a % chance of completely ruining your day. I can understand a small chance of being knocked unconscious when you have really low blood, such as 2-3k... but I just died from going unconscious when I had 8.5k blood after getting hit by one zombie. I died before I could regain consciousness again. This may not be a big deal to all the people camping Elektro and Cherno, but to someone who wants to go up north and explore, this is a serious problem. This mechanic is just flat out stupid and it just ruins the fun sometimes. Trying to loot a town, you're going to get hit occasionally, especially when you're in small towns almost all of which have no big buildings you can run into to stop zombies from chasing you. Sometimes you get scratched and start bleeding, and before you can lose LOS with the zombie and stop him from chasing you so you can bandage, you've already lost 3-4k blood. At this point any other hit has the potential to knock you unconscious which essentially means you're dead. After hours of playing, finding 3 crashed helicopters spawns, 2 cars, some good weapons and gear, I die and lose everything because while trying to pick up a tire to fix the car, I get knocked unconscious at 8.5k + blood from a zombie that hit me once. This is just f**king stupid....
  3. I love how people talk about realism and survival simulation yet in this mod you can be shot 3-4 times by an AK74, still be able to run at full speed, go around a corner and bandage yourself in 5 seconds, and walk it off like it never happened. I enjoy realistic games as well, this is why I play DayZ, but some forms of realism add depth to the game, and some forms of realism only add frustration and annoyance. The developers are smart enough to understand that, hence why you can run forever and why fixing a broken leg only takes a dose of morphine (where realistically with no professional medical attention you would likely never be able to effectively run, or even walk, again). Bleeding, getting an infection, getting sick, stuff like that is fine. There are ways to deal with it. It creates tension as you need to start looking for the right items to save your life. It creates some excitement. Getting knocked out and dying randomly is about as exciting as a game that randomly deletes your save files every once in a while.
  4. Mechanics like this don't make this mod more fun. If you want to talk realism, people in real life can't sprint indefinitely, yet they can do so in DayZ for the sake of keeping a playable pace in the game. If you have a broken leg I can assure you that morphine will not help you very much, and even with the best medical care you likely won't be running again for at least a few months. The list goes on and on. At the end of the day this is a video game, and you need to consider not just the realism but the fun as well. This sort of mechanic doesn't add any fun to anyone. It's a % chance of dying in a frustrating way. Think of playing super mario with no save system, and every once in a while when you hit the jump key it just doesn't work and you end up dying because of it and having the start the whole game all over again. But hey... millions of people trip over themselves everyday so I guess it's realistic right??..... NO... that's stupid... something like that shouldn't be in a game.
  5. SpeedyBanana

    Can't pick up my packed tent

    I had the same thing happen twice. Is this a bug with the game or what? When I pack a tent, it puts the packed tent on the ground but I'm not able to pick it up. It has clipping, the object is there, but there is no option to pick it up. Even after reloging onto the server the tent is there but no option to interact with it.
  6. What is the level of hacks / hackers in this game right? Is it any better than maybe 1 month ago? Is it the same?
  7. Seems there are still plenty of hackers around despite the BattleEye messages. Today I emptied an entire clip into a guy at point blank range with my L85 near Stary Sobor... he didn't die... instead he just turned around and killed me once he realized I was beside him. Kind of frustrating when you actually play legit... I mean... what's the point of going out and spending hours to find good gear only to get killed by a guy that is obviously hacking. BattleEye may have stopped the big hacks like getting teleported or instant killed but it still seems like there are a bunch of other hackers out there that have slipped under the radar. This is a warning to anyone else who has spent a ton of time getting good gear legitimately...
  8. SpeedyBanana

    What I don't get about BattleEye and Hackers

    This.... The Arma 2 engine is not very secure... to say the least. Everything BattleEye is doing is more or less a band-aid fix because fixing the root of the problem (the scripting engine and how the server gives so much trust to the client) would take a tremendous amount of time and is not very practical at this point. BattleEye will get things under control to an extent, but you're always going to have hacks in this game as long as the engine stays the same.
  9. SpeedyBanana

    Hacker with Godmode on US 454

    It's funny... I was just reading ***.net to see what hacks are still working out of curiosity (quite a few btw) when I noticed something funny.... the quality of posts and replies are fantastic... I never expected that out of a forum about hacks. The posts are well written and helpful, the replies are on pretty normal, and the community is overall seems very mature... again... this is on a forum about video game hacks. And then I tab over back to the DayZ forums and read your post... and then remember how many trolls and douchebags are on this forum (hint... you're one of them). Almost every single post on this forum is filled with insults, trolls, flames, and douchey kids who think their sarcastic comments are funny and original. Heh... what a joke of a community
  10. Our camp was gone today on US 1192. Vehicles gone but the tents weren't there either. At first I thought we had been jacked but now I'm thinking the server reset or something? None of the tents are there and I thought there was a model of a flattened tent left over if you run them over... nothing is there.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I love the L85, and if this game didn't have such a massive problem with duping, I wouldn't mind if the gun was in the game. It would make a great end-game epic weapon balanced out by the fact that you could lose it if you die and have a hard time finding one again. However... because there are so many simple ways to dupe items in this game, and because it is unlikely that there will ever be a fix for this problem, this gun really needs to be removed. I've run into so many tards with an AS50 / L85, gillie suite, NVGs, laser range finder, etc. All they do is park their ass on a hill, scan with thermal, pick you out, swap to the AS50, and one shot you. It doesn't matter if you have any kind of camo clothing, or if you are moving slow and carefully, and being stealthy, the thermal sight will pick you up in an instant. I don't mind fighting against people with the AS50, as I can do just as well as they can with a CZ 550... but you simply can't compete against some tard that dupes L85's Edit: Just watch the video. This is a perfect example of some L85 dupe moron. If it wasn't instantly obvious to you, you can also tell straight away by how he happens to have 10 grenades in his backpack and 3 in his inventory. I'm sure he must have gotten those legitimately. The game is full of so many of these idiots at the moment.
  12. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    This is exactly it, even if you remove duping (which they can't until standalone) more and more people are going to get this. Yes some of them may never get looted or explode in a car or whatnot, but the vast majority of them will remain in circulation and will only increase with time. If they can fix duping they would still need to find a way to not only make this item rare, but also keep it being rare.
  13. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    Here's another great example of the type of gameplay the L85 creates: Get an L85 / AS50 ... dupe a dozen of them like a tard... sit on a hill... scan from side to side with the thermal until you see a red glowing target from a mile away, pull out your AS50, kill him in one shot, repeat This is DayZ endgame... thanks to the L85 Watch the whole video and then tell me again how I need to hide better... please... make yourselves look even more stupid than you already have.
  14. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    No... YOU are the idiot. Fixing the duping problem is never going to happen... because they can't. It's a problem with the game design, and it's just another one of the many problems with the Arma II engine. There are too many things hard-coded into this engine that are going to be nearly impossible to fix. They can patch up a few exploits here and there that are easy to fix but they can't really fix duping because of the way your data gets saved to the hive. I'm not going to waste the time to explain the details of why duping works so easily in this game because you could easily do a little research on this yourself if you're not some complete moron. Unfortunately every dufas (like YOU) thinks.. "well.. dur hur.. just make a patch and fix it... herp derp".... unfortunately... you're too stupid to understand the problem and don't see that what you're saying as about as retarded as "cancer is bad... so... dur hur... just make a pill and fix it... herp derp" Plain and simple they are just NOT going to be able to fix duping. Again, there is a reason why there are so many ways to do it, it's a problem with how data is saved and it would be rather difficult to fix something that hard-coded into the engine. They are likely going to use the Arma II engine for the standalone as well but they are going to gut the f**k out of it and remove the whole script engine and other parts that make it so easy to hack and completely redesign them. You can't fix duping or a lot of the problems with this game with a simple hotfix. Duping is not necessarily as big of a problem as the L85 because as I said before, you can be just as effective with a CZ 550 as someone is with an AS50. Aside from the the L85, no gun or item in this game gives you that big of an advantage over anyone else. I don't need night vision goggles as I can just max out my brightness and gamma. I would prefer NVGs obviously but if I don't have them I'm not going to feel completely useless either. I don't need laser range finders either because with a little experience judging distance or a basic understanding of how to use the scope markings to estimate range I can do just as well (actually better because I wouldn't need to switch between items to find a range and then fire). Having an L85 though gives you a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!! advantage. There is no point of trying to hide and be stealthy vs someone having an L85. If your squad doesn't have one you're going to get demolished by someone who does. Look at this video if you've never used an L85 and tell me this doesn't give you a HUGE advantage in spotting targets. This gun is ruining the game (not that it's the only thing that's wrong with the game by any stretch) and you need one if you want to be competitive. I like to ghetto it up and I really don't care if I'm using a CZ 500 or a DMR... hell I'll even use a Lee-Enfield, I really don't give a shit. But if someone has an L85 and you don't... you're f**ked
  15. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    If you don't have one of these things or don't generally PVP then go on YouTube and check out a few videos about this and you can see how OP it is... this ESPECIALLY goes for all the morons that reply with "just use cover better"... because you guys clearly never seen this thing in action. And no... I'm not butthurt... I HAVE an L85 and it ruins the whole sniper game.
  16. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    I DO have one you tool... and it's overpowered as f**k
  17. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    Cause you're a goof. The CZ is very effective even up to 800 meters. If you didn't have an L85 you would never be able to pick out targets more than 400 meters away anyways unless they are in the middle of an open field and also happen to be standing still for you to shoot them. Most engagements happen 400 meters or less, and at that distance, if you can spot the other sniper before he spots you, you can kill him even if he has an AS50... but hell... I don't even know why I'm trying to teach anything to someone who's clearly a moron.
  18. SpeedyBanana

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    This wouldn't be bad if there wasn't any duping. The gun is very rare and you would always be paranoid about losing it. However, the moment you get one yourself, you can just dupe the hell out of it (LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING), and you would never leave home without it. People who disagree either have never even used this gun or are themselves the duping tards I speak of, and they don't want this to end.
  19. SpeedyBanana

    Looking for a squad

    I'm looking for a squad to play with. I'm on the EST (UTC -5:00) time zone (Canadian). I've been playing this game for a few days now and have most things figured out. I know the map well, understand the game mechanics, loot runs, etc. I'm new but definitely not a noob. Looking for some fun and friendly people to play with. I have TS, Vent, Mumble, etc.
  20. After spending the entire day and most of my bandwidth downloading 17 GB of Arma 2 off of Steam... I install this mod, all excited to play. 5 minutes in... seriously... 5 minnutes of playing this game... me and everyone on a 50 man server get teleported to the ocean by a hacker. I tried joining other servers... no use... I'm still in the ocean. I can't kill myself... I can't swim back cause land doesn't seem to get any closer. wtf...??
  21. SpeedyBanana

    What a h**king joke...

    What's the server?
  22. SpeedyBanana

    What a h**king joke...

    How do you abort? Do you alt+f4 or do you close the game in the task manager? I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I can do to avoid this situation in the future
  23. SpeedyBanana

    What a h**king joke...

  24. SpeedyBanana

    What a h**king joke...

    How often does this bullshit happen though? This happened to me within 5 minutes of playing this game for the first time... 5 FUCKING MINUTES! So I'll leave it running for the whole day until I die... and then is this going to happen again in a few hours or even a day or two? Like wtf seriously
  25. SpeedyBanana

    What a h**king joke...

    I held the W key down for about 30 minutes yesterday to see if I could get closer to the coast. All I could make out was a faint shadow of it. After 30 minutes though it didn't seem to get any closer really so I just gave up.