Your Real Name: Chris Your Screen Name: Christian Were Are You From: New York Your Age: 17 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: 6 months Did You Start Because Of DayZ: No Do You Have Any Recording Software: Yes, Fraps Do You Have A Skype: Yes, Cgamer2021 Can You Be A Leader: Yes. I aspire to be a leader at all tasks. How Regularly Do You Play Arma: Lately, a lot more because of Dayz and CO. How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): I haven't had the chance to in DayZ since I have pledged no allegiance with any other group. I am usually killed on sight for no reason. Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): I would like to join Phoenix Pmc because I have always felt that it would be an advantage to have a crew. When you are out roaming alone, you get lonely. I also like to help other players if I can put trust in them, though that is hard especially on DayZ. If I had a group to assimilate into, the relationship would be beneficial to me and to my fellow man who serve alongside.