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Everything posted by skurcey

  1. You can t put a rifle size gun in a backpack if you have less than 10 slots, drop on ground first. arma bug, and, yes, we all got it ^^
  2. skurcey

    Streaming on DayZ

    There s a guy streaming DayZ. Could be usefull to show the game to your internet friends :) http://en.twitch.tv/igamingpublic
  3. skurcey

    Investigating Cheating

    it could also be lag
  4. skurcey

    how many girls play dayz?

    my mom play on farm ville, if you want her facebook xD
  5. skurcey


    Not much, also it s not meant to stay for long ^^
  6. skurcey

    Some Perfect Skins for DayZ

    they re nice, but we re gonna have custom cloth :D
  7. If arrowhead is on steam: right click, properties -> Launch options add: "-mod=@dayz" And when you launch Arrowhead, choose "Launch as Combined Ops" If it s not working, for an unknown reason, try using Dayz launcher, six updater, or even arma launcher
  8. skurcey

    Remove chopper radar

    It s pretty much cheated and is totally a game breaker. You can see all the camps that have vehicles, all the destroyed choppers, and ammo are refilled at each restart server. (if it s hard coded, maybe you could put a blank image on top of it)
  9. skurcey

    Rocket's Video of the week: 25 May 2012

    what about that tamparature?
  10. skurcey

    backpacks did it again

    you need 10 free slots in backpack, else it disapear
  11. skurcey

    I wanted to join the give-away

    50$ is just the price of one game .... Better luck next Christmas then :D
  12. skurcey

    Need the map? Get it from here!

    ooooh noes, he haz one more interwebz than meh :'(
  13. skurcey

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Did you notice that on main page, every images rolling are wall papers?
  14. skurcey

    Hand cart

    Why not
  15. skurcey

    Banned on EU2

    maybe a name would help?
  16. skurcey

    Enlarging the map

    Adding new islands, players owned villages on water (ideal for zombies protection), new towns in the no mans land (west and north). And also i was wondering if somehow it would be possible to add zone of map, tht you would access through, like a door, and arrive in interior(off map so). Like bunker, or underground facility
  17. skurcey

    Display Name Tags Within 20m

    no, another way, because you could hide in a bush at night real close
  18. skurcey

    SVD Camo

    i found two clips of dragunov one day, but that was patches away
  19. ATV are bugged on bridges for a reason, and bounce out of control. It would be maybe better to interdict bridges to avoid disapointement of players
  20. skurcey

    Remove chopper radar

    Well, i m not sure of this, but it s totally unreallistic no? It s not a metal detector, how could a radar spot a vehicle hidden in a forest? If you could see only heated up vehicle, i would still think it could be possible but this ...
  21. yeah sometimes, when server restart, some vehicles or tents arent loaded proprely. They arent lost, they just dont appear. One or two restart usually fix it. Also prime time doesnt help
  22. skurcey

    MERGED: ammo, ammunition, .22LR etc.

    find me some good references (side view and 3d), pretty high quality, and i ll make it for you. Just need to see if they ll add it.