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Everything posted by pvthoch

  1. pvthoch

    Why I kill unarmed players

    i love to kill new spawns specially if they have a mic some poor bastard yelled at me friendly pls dont kill me yerterday i killed that bastard without mercy
  2. pvthoch

    Zombies way too hard now

    i went in to the apartments in front of the hospital to kill some poor bastard probably a new spawn he was carriying a lee enfield anyways i fired at that bastard with me m14 and i agroed the whole city i fired like 30 rounds of drm clearing zombies now i carry a m4 silenced for steal kill players
  3. pvthoch

    Zombies way too hard now

    double post
  4. probably a admin using hacks not triying to prove anything or accusing anyone just posting the video for giggles
  5. pvthoch

    M4A3 OCC or M14 AIM?

    m14 is a sniper with a red dot sight just dont shoot it on town or youll get 50 zombies on you
  6. hehehehe kill these fuckers are u on a 70 players server ? have u lose your gear to scripter ?
  7. pvthoch

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    so you did actually got away i trough you alt+f4
  8. pvthoch

    [TRADE] Looking for Mk 48 Mod 0

    i take the svd camo were you at you alone ? what kind of gear u have >? do u have a chopper are you an admin ?
  9. i shot on sight killing other players its the best part of this game once you gear up its time to hit elektro and get some kills /problem ?
  10. pvthoch

    Anyone found a Land Rover?

    they dont bro admins "clans" hoard them dont come at me with the admins dont spawn vehicles bs becouse i know they do or probably they script them selves it takes a cheater to spot a cheater just saying flame away
  11. pvthoch

    okay, so i just started..

    found lots of ammo boxes lots of dead ppl on the beach and one box named us army suplies full of 100 of every item went to electro and got 7 kills before being mass murdered
  12. is anything being done about this ?? my 3 days alive character got teleported twice and i survived by quicky crashing arma.exe the first time was a massive server teleport above 1k feet of the ground somehow i survived with only a broken bone and 1 minute pass out after 1 hour i joined another server and got teleported to "The Underdoome" were i quickly crashed the game again