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Everything posted by LTDestler

  1. The only thing that I have in comment to this server (us229) is the hacks that I witnessed last night just before 2 AM pst when I everyone minus 3 people in an black SUV came in turned everyone into Rabits, then threw bear traps around everywhere, killed almost everyone minus myself and 4 others who ran circles around the fool that was trying to shoot us, I stood there laughing at the antics before the guys sniper rifle suddenly turned full auto and took out one guy. The other took off up and down the road, while jerk number 3 got into the SUV and tried and might I add unsuccessfully tried to run me over.a few round of 'chicken'. Went on for at least an hour before I logged out and back in. Now I managed to get myself kitted up nicely after that, and saved a guy from getting eatten alive, we travelled about and just before I logged I was playing around with my scope on the .50 rifle I had, I made sure it was my first equiped weapon for when I come back. When I come back, I kid you not it literally before my eyes disappeared and was replaced by my silenced M4..... so I hope at some point this gets addressed by the server Admins. Because now I have to go and find another one >,< I'm editing this now again, there was a hacker in game on server us229 I could not see the shooter even with night vision and scoping around. august 3rd 11:57 AM PST