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Everything posted by jade-walters@hotmail.com

  1. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest): 21 In Game Name: Walters Country/Timezone: US / Central Are You Active?: Yes Experience In Dayz: 100+ hours Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Plenty of times. Been in a few medic/security based teams where we go across the maps via helo or land vehicle and coordinate rescues or dispatching bandits across the game. Skype: walters-
  2. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    Experienced Player Looking For 16+ Aged Players To Group With.

    Shoot me a skype. My name is : walters-
  3. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    DayZ Group Phoenix PMC Recruitment

    Your Real Name: Walters Your Screen Name: Walters Were Are You From: 'Merica Your Age: 21 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: 3-4months Did You Start Because Of DayZ: heard a lot about it and wanted to try for myself since i already had Arma Do You Have Any Recording Software: no Do You Have A Skype: yes, name is walters- Can You Be A Leader: yes How Regularly Do You Play Arma: usually try every afternoon after work How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): 9-10 depending how compitent the leader is Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): Was in a clan before and they started getting all different kinds of hacks. Left them in search of another one and haven't yet found a good enough one to join up. That and no responses or sites dont work and such. Really looking for a good group of people to play with.
  4. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    Forming a group all Welcome DayZ

    Im interersted as well. From US but can/have played on UK/EU servers before. Played over 300+ hours. Skype Name: walters-
  5. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    Omega-6 DayZ Clan

    I don't see what the problem is here...I have been playing on this server for around 5 days with no problems. I have come across many other players in the OM6 group and have been helped with little of ease. Simply put, if you have a problem with the server or anyone on it, why don't you just go onto another server? Is it because you have no life and love blind accusations on random people along the internet? Just grow up some people and play on another server and have fun...cause in the end, its all about the game and the times while playing it.
  6. Pretty skilled player here. 20yrs of age and would love to join the group for tactical raiding and other situations. Skype name is: Walters-
  7. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    [EU-22M] Looking for a group to play with or clan

    My Skype Name is: Walters- Would love to play with ya man...I have been looking for some people to play this game with being that none of the people i know have this game. 20yrs of age.
  8. jade-walters@hotmail.com

    DayZ Group searching for tactical but not to serious member! :D

    Sounds interesting...been trying to find some people to play with myself. Skype name is: walters- I am 20yrs of age and not too totally serious.