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Everything posted by Audemed

  1. Just what the title says. My server is down and migrating, and assuming my camp is wiped, I need a non-specialist weapon that uses ez to find ammo. Add me on steam: Audemed.
  2. Audemed

    Trading M4 HoloSD for M16 ACOG

    It's legit as far as I know. Found one in a tent, and it stuck on me through a server restart and multiple server switches.
  3. Can someone, anyone, give me a proper link to a thread explaining this green mountain nonsense? I don't quite get it -.-
  4. Audemed

    Trading M4 HoloSD for M16 ACOG

    Trade went perfectly, thank you.
  5. Audemed

    Trade gone Wrong:Avoid Booooo

    Yeah, i'm reading what's been written, and judging for myself. Go home, troll.
  6. We have just come across an M4 CCO SD, and considering our situation and the demand for this weapon, we've decided to trade it. We're looking to get: Pair of M4 CCO or ACOG M16 and, Pair of DMR/M24 rifles. We also may have another piece or two stashed away we could throw in as well, should the deal need sweetening (altho we're on the wrong side of the map for our camp, would take more time).
  7. As the title says, I have a couple M4 CCO SD and an L85 I'm looking to trade. Looking for 1:1 trades for: DMR (mags if you have them) M240 + ammo Mod 0 + ammo M16 ACOG Add me on Steam, I probably wont see a PM here. Going to get dinner, I'll check you guys when i get back :P
  8. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Near berezino now, still could use a transfuse >.>
  9. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    About 2k north of elektro, heading north, but at 2.5k blood. If anyone is near there, or heading somehwere ont he east coast, i'd love to meet up for a quick transfuse.
  10. Audemed

    Trading M4 CCO SD

    Weapon is still available. Add me on Steam if interested.
  11. Audemed

    Trading M4 CCO SD

    Add me on steam and we can discuss this in more detail: Audemed
  12. Audemed

    Trading M4 CCO SD

    We do have some SD mags. Did you happen to have the long rifles as well? According to some of the wanted threads i saw last night requesting this gun, I'd say it has the potential to be worth this much and more. We're also flexible in our trade, should it come to that.
  13. Audemed

    Trading L85

    Got lucky, found someone's tent with an L85 and a ton of mags. Unfortunately, I really have no use for this weapon at this point in time. Looking for an M24 and any AR15 variant. Will meet on a low pop server. Also, interested in M9SD mags.
  14. Audemed

    Trading L85

    Indeed, it did sound too good to be true, but the trade was completed with all individuals and limbs intact!
  15. So, I have a coyote backpack, in which I at one point was carrying a Remmington 870 and some 249 ammo. Those items have since been dropped, and those slots filled with other stuff. However, each time I logout, I find them, once again, in my pack. Do I need to just abandon the pack, or can it be fixed?
  16. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Upd: Being tended to by mikaelMasareth
  17. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone is in the north central area, i could use a transfuse. Presently in between grishino and gorka. Add me on Steam, Audemed. EDIT: Closer to gorka, actually
  18. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Could use another assist. Got trampled by some zombies and just got up in time to fend them off and not bleed out. Unfortunately, there's not enough food in the game to get my health back up. Could use a transfuse north of berezino. Also, is it normal to have your sound go really low when you're at low health? All sounds are at ~20% of normal volume since i got knocked out. Steam ID: Audemed
  19. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Got treated, thanks much Udak!
  20. Audemed

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone up north-northeast who can give a transfusion? I'd like to see color again. Add me on steam: Audemed