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About Pippin775

  • Rank
  1. Pippin775

    The Dirty Patriots Dayz Standalone Clan

    Ive been trying to contact you????
  2. Pippin775

    Detta Company is Now Recruiting!

    How long have you played? About 10 Months now How old are you? 17 How frequent do you play? every day or every other What role would you like to play (e.g. Sniper, Support, Medic, Assault)? Villiage Idiot Can you pilot a heli, or drive a vehicle with a decent amount of skill? Yes,Yes,Yes Can you navigate the map? yes What area of the world do you live in? Florida What is your current load out [*Optional]? Dead Tell us a bit about yourself. You already know me i was with the clan for about 5 months then i quit playing for a while....
  3. Dayz Name: Pippin775 How long have you played Dayz: over 2 months Time Zone: eastern US Age: 19 PvP experience: 1 Month Favorite Gun/Combo: MK48 Team Experience: My first clan Detta Company How familiar with the map are you?: Very Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes
  4. Pippin775


    Its good a clan member finally hopped on hes on his way thanks though
  5. Pippin775


    Just reloged in on same server US355 found out im Dolina all i know is im on the southern side of the mountain
  6. Pippin775


    Server: US355 No hacked items Yes its hive
  7. I have the hourglass bug, it wont go down even a little after almost 2 hours i dont know my locaton so i need a hacker to kill me, Yo dont have to give me ur identity just hop on a server with me and kill command me PLEASE!
  8. Pippin775


    Its completely still even after almost 2 hours
  9. Pippin775


    No, i Ran across two people that looked like hackers thought it would be good to switch servers incase they go all crazzy then logged on with this, i go to work in less than 2 hours and thats all the time i have to play so someone please kill me.....
  10. Pippin775


    And im sorry for not posting in the bugs section but i have very little time to play and i went for the forum with the most traffic to get this resovled quicker.
  11. Pippin775


    I also know it wasnt because of shock, the only thing i could think of was i passed by to people i think where hackers because of strange weapons. They where nice and said they killed a hacker but were joking about it.
  12. Pippin775


    Sadly, i dont know my location seeing as i have no map and i waited for over an hour and the hourglass didnt move.
  13. Pippin775


    Sadly i dont know my location thats why im asking for a hacker
  14. Ok, every server i log onto i instantly fall to the ground and get a hourglass that doesnt end. So please could i get my character respawned or killed? i dont care about my gear, but i cant play at all and i have very little time to enjoy the game each day. Player ID: 57672710 Screen name: Pippin775
  15. Help, every time i log in i get a hourglass that never ends! when i log in im standing then about 1-2 seconds i fall down with a hourglass I really need my character reset or a hacker to use the kill command. I dont need to keep my stuff i had nothing important just kill me or repawn me! Player ID: 57672710 Screen name: Pippin775