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About DayZofWarZ

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. DayZofWarZ

    Looking for Survivors to team with

    If any of you are of Irish/Scottish blood then our clan may be interested.
  2. DayZofWarZ

    Group of two looking for partners

    Alright then Zalkota. Go here: http://celticwc.weebly.com/index.html Go sign up and join the forums.
  3. DayZofWarZ

    Group of two looking for partners

    And we DO have men down near Elektro who'd be willing to meet up.
  4. DayZofWarZ

    Group of two looking for partners

    If you two possess Irish or Scottish blood, we'd be willing to invite you into our clan. We often run in groups of 3-7, if you're alright with that?
  5. yes you may join. go here: http://celticwc.weebly.com/index.html
  6. Well if you possess Irish or Scottish blood. Our Celtic Warriors Clan may be interested!
  7. Hey guys check out the website! We have a special announcement in the forums.
  8. DayZofWarZ

    Follower / Followers?

    Well if you possess Irish or Scottish blood our Clan may be interested in having you. I'm sure one or two of our members have a mic.
  9. DayZofWarZ

    Tired of Running Solo

    This is a video game clan. Is this going to cause worldwide controversy? No. So why even comment?
  10. Bump. For all people saying we're racist, we're not meaning to be and this is one clan out of hundreds in this game. Why target this specific one?
  11. what was the point of the last post? Can you stop me? No Do I care? No Am I being racist or discriminating? No This clan allows more then the Irish. Why do you care so much if this is a simple video game clan?? Answer me that ONE question!^^^ Is this video game clan going to cause worldwide controversy?? This video game clan DOES NOT reflect how I feel in real life. Even if it did you couldn't change that, so why even bother?
  12. DayZofWarZ

    Tired of Running Solo

    It's alright Lynch. He get's his definitions off of wikipedia and says people are racist because he can.
  13. Yeah that was a personal bad but doesn't negate that fact. To sum this all up, the definitions between racism and discrimination are blurred for a couple of reasons. So what you just picked up from Wikipedia isn't necessarily true.
  14. They actually don't only accept pure blooded whites. We don't only accept the Irish either.
  15. Also, we allow all Celts so scottish too etc . . . all those. Since you got the wrong idea from our group originally, thinking we were racist Are you willing to join?