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Everything posted by 50CalPik

  1. I am looking to create a group the size of a small squad. Experienced players preffered but all are welcome. You must have a mic that is somewhat good quality. My Skype is: the50calpik And my Steam is : 50CalPik Reply to this topic leaving your steam and Skype or if your more comfortable pm me them. And one more thing prefferably Pacific time zone but again all are welcome.
  2. I am currently looking to create a group of five or six I am 13, live in the U.S, and am in the pacific time zone P.M. me your skype if your interested!
  3. alright looks light weve got ourselves a team still accepting more replies but Ill hit you guys up on skype around 4pm pacific time
  4. 50CalPik

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Dude those are amazing!
  5. I am 13 and I'm a little sick of helping someone out climb down a ladder and getting shot by them. Therefore I'm looking for a group to join or I'm willing to create one. My Skype: the50calpik My Steam: 50CalPik Timezone: Pacific And please have a somewhat good quality mic
  6. 50CalPik

    a group

    United States Pacific Time 13 Skype: the50calpik
  7. We currently have 3 people in our group and are looking for our fourth and final member We wish that you have a good quality mic and have some experience paying Dayz My skype: the50calpik My Steam: 50CalPik Time Zone:Pacific Time
  8. Skype is what our group uses.
  9. Hi i currently have a group of me and 1 other person and we are looking for a 3rd to complete the group you can add me on steam or skype my ign is Josh Skype: the50calpik Steam: 50CalPik and as always vehicles are welcome :P
  10. 50CalPik

    Need Some Teamates

    Yea me and him are grouped up right now you still at north west airfield were at stary
  11. Im looking for a group of 2 or 3 to play with. I currently have no mic (it's getting fixed.)'I live in California I'm 13. (P.S. My mic should arrive in about a week or two) Edit: IGN: Destroyer533 Steam:50CalPik Skype: the50calpik
  12. 50CalPik

    Looking for a group to play with

    Sweet just got a mic working to so you have steam or do you want to use Skype? And pm me your ign/Skype or steam name