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About JPIck

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JPIck

    Hacking group.

    Is there a list of non dayz weapons available for panthera? This guy got banned for the uzi sd and I want to know if it is a rightful ban. His name is axel foley and here is his items; 16821702" Axel Foley" 14:00:48 ["",false,"322047",[],[["Laserdesignator","NVGoggles","UZI_SD_EP1","ItemWatch","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemCompass","ItemMatchbox","ItemToolbox","ItemKnife","ItemRadio","ItemGPS","ItemEtool","ItemMap","ItemHatchet","ItemFlashlight","SVD_CAMO"],["FoodCanBakedBeans","FoodCanBakedBeans","FoodCanBakedBeans","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","ItemBandage","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","ItemBandage","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","10Rnd_762x54_SVD","FoodCanBakedBeans"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["G36_C_SD_eotech"],[1]],[["ItemBloodbag","ItemSodaCoke","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller"],[1,4,7,1,1]]],[4773,453,453],"Sniper1_DZ",1]
  2. I am a Marine with 11yrs in and 20+ years gamming experience. E-5 I was stationed in beaufort SC, Knoxville tn (reserve time), MCAS New River, and Iraq (2006) the era when it was still very hot. I'm team oriented and understand operational risk management, osmeac, and waiting endless time in formation for "word" that no one ever seems to pass down. I'm available most days and want mostly other Marines that understand, to play this game with. I'm a forum newb so pm me and maybe I can reply!