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Everything posted by kyle.ogden@comcast.net

  1. kyle.ogden@comcast.net

    Looking to team up

    Looking for a mature person to play with. my Skype name is kyle.ogden4.
  2. kyle.ogden@comcast.net

    Grouping up anyone?

    ha ha i dont have steam i just got vent and skype
  3. kyle.ogden@comcast.net

    Grouping up anyone?

    ha ha i dont have steam i just got vent and skype
  4. kyle.ogden@comcast.net

    Grouping up anyone?

    im tiered of playing alone any way i can join you guys? my skype name is kyle.ogden4
  5. kyle.ogden@comcast.net

    are you looking for a squad

    Hello, im intrested in joining your squad. my skype name is kyle.ogden4
  6. kyle.ogden@comcast.net

    are you looking for a squad

    Hello, im intrested in joining your squad. my skype name is kyle.ogden4