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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Trust no one. No. One. Unless you know them personally (and trust them in real life) or are part of a clan with them.
  2. roflmao.haskins@yahoo.com

    Crashed chopper

    Actually just found my first! I was running to Gorka, coming up from the South after a looting run/zombie massacre at Berezino. I was ambling along on the treeline heading north when I see what looks like a building or a vehicle in the distance. Get closer, see 9 or 10 military zombies, and a crashed chopper! Lured the zombies into the forest and lost them in the trees, then looted it. Had to choose between FN FAL iron sighted with one mag, or Bizon PP-19 SD with two mags. Chose the Bizon because I need the quietness to stealth those zeds. Pretty good replacement for a Winchester 1866 wouldn't you say? Looted it and got the hell out of there. They're out there mate! I practically tripped over this one.
  3. Interesting. Perhaps Lingor will be a potential second map for the standalone? Or an expac? I think it would be cool to have a tropical zombie apocalypse.
  4. I last way longer than 1 hour. Usually my lives are 5 or 6 hours spread out over a week, until I do something stupid while playing, or get bored with my current character and go out in a blaze of horde slayer glory.
  5. Thanks! Beans have been given. Also, norcal swag.
  6. I know there have been threads such as this one, threads that combat the exploit of alt+f4'ing. But hear me out. Every time someone alt+f4'ers in this game, they log out and leave the game normally. BUT: Once they log back in, they find themselves in a thunderdome with no gear, much like the ones that hackers commonly make, but instead of other players shooting at them, they have to fight hordes of more and more zombies. They will be able to find, or be given at the start, a 1911 with 5 mags. The amount of zombies spawning never stops growing until the person is overpowered and dies. Another twist to it would have the weapons degrade slowly over time (I'm looking at you pirated copy of Operation Flashpoint) so that the zombies simply can't be stopped, frustrating the alt+f4'er to no end. This would work as a frightening punishment to trying to find "a quick exit" from the game to save your precious gear. The best part is it would require minimal effort from the developers, as teleporting players to thunderdomes, degrading weapon quality, and scripting in hordes of zombies are all possible right now.
  7. So... you're saying they added him into the game in the last patch, and didn't put the note in these patch notes, but instead are going to put it in the next patch notes? So that dillweeds like you can make reaction videos on youtube saying how they just saw bigfoot? Sounds fucking stupid to be honest.
  8. ITT: A misguided lawful good gets butthurt over people telling him not to be a misguided lawful good. This thread amuses me.
  9. Lol. People trawl the code in this mod ALL. THE. TIME. Looking for new shit added by Rocket (like the code for dogs) that has not yet been put in the game, because who doesn't want a free sneak peek? If someone saw coding for a yeti, or bigfoot, or whatever, it would be extremely obvious, and would've been found already had it been implemented in the latest patch. No one here is stupid enough to believe you, so please, take your lies elsewhere. Or come back with definitive proof, I don't care.
  10. Mate. I and others have seen the brown offroad pickup spawn in game on its own. Sorry, but it's not hacked, just a different color of vehicle.
  11. I fully support the idea of people being able to turn off Global if they don't want to have it filling up the bottom left of their screens. Or auto mute all non-grouped players, so that they don't get people shitting up their headphones with drivel. That way people who enjoy talking to others over Global get to do so, and people who don't, don't!
  12. I wish I could find one in-game at all! Or a bus, or a goddamned bicycle, or anything. Seriously, vehicle hoarders and all.
  13. Flying car you say? Are you sure it wasn't Ron Weasley and Harry Potter?
  14. Vehicles can spawn with different skins then the ones in the wiki pictures, what I think is that you found a brown one is all. Edit: Some examples are motorcycles with flame decals, and black skodas with red interiors.
  15. Oh snap, we have a badass over here.
  16. Griefing. It's not like they stop zombies or anything. But they can't be jumped over like sandbags, so it's a good player deterrent.
  17. One does not simply WALK into Northwest airfield. On a more serious note, I learned how to play solely through my minimal knowledge of Arma2, but mostly from youtube videos and the wiki.
  18. Aww hell. I looted a hacker sniper in Elektro, took his gear right off of him, he was AFK. Will I get banned? He was invulnerable to all my bullets, so I have to assume...
  19. Hey y'all, I have around 5k blood, looking for someone to meet up with in game and do me a solid. I will trade NVG's for a blood transfusion. I have the bag, willing to give you the other two I have just for being there to help me out. You pick the server, I'll tell you if it's available for me, and lets do it. I'm in the barn northwest of Elektro, took it hard from some zombies, but found quite a bit of gear as well. Like I said, willing to trade NVG just for someone to help me out. Hopefully you're friendly and won't cap me!
  20. Server booted me, and now it won't load. Such is life in DayZ. Thanks for being willing to help but I think I'll log off for the night! Cheers.
  21. For me it's only zombies and animals that have halos, and only during daytime. Not too gamebreaking because zombies are easy to avoid anyways, but it can lead to some scares when I see a halo, hide, and it turns out to be a pig. :P
  22. A pretty easy sniper to find in my opinion is the Cz 550. They'll be on the top loft in barns, so check all barns you see!
  23. Plus there are people like me who get motion sickness from Arma's shitty first person head bob roller coaster ride. Third person all the way.
  24. You had money to buy a Ps3 but not a decent gaming/everyday computer?
  25. I see the halo's too. I find them extremely useful for finding the exact placement of deer stands, as the halos can be seen through hills and trees and help me to find out where those deer stands are hiding.