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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    Alienware x51 help

    Whatever. Can't fight with some that is so bias.
  2. cywehner1234

    Alienware x51 help

    Terrible airflow. HAHAHAHAHHAA. My case is open and has tons of fans. Alienware Aurora. I do not like the laptops, but this thing is fine, it's never overheated. The interior also looks fine. Why would I need to look in there anyways? Also, I have i believe 6-8 ram slots, and I haven't had a problem. I have ram in all the slots, and it's not "cheap." You're bitching about a computer corp. You pay for the name more than anything. Just like you can buy brand name foods for more, and non brand name foods for less. All I really hear is people getting so butthurt over something that they probably havent even touched. Had my alienware for 4 years, and still going strong with no problems with any of the components. Also just upgraded to 2x 760 SLI and it runs fine also.
  3. cywehner1234

    Alienware x51 help

    I don't understand why everyone shits on alienware. My case is upgradeable, for years on years. EVERYTHING is easily customized, and the care they put to the internals are far better than building. Many people buy a case to use for a graphics card, and boom, you need a new case when you want to upgrade. I just upgraded to 2x GTX 760 SLI and it all worked fine. I will never understand why everyone cries over it. If you have the money, buy an alienware. If not, build. I believe everyone that shits on alienware never had the money, or will never understand why it's valuable. In my opinion, the case and the wiring and easily upgradable case is what you pay the most for.
  4. cywehner1234

    I'm back! Did you miss me?/New Engine news!

    Its funny because everyone has been saying this for a while, but now they do it.
  5. I wouldn't watch it again. Call me a terrible person but it was pretty bland imo.
  6. cywehner1234

    How to change cd key?

    I don't give hackers info :/ Sorry.
  7. Max budget is $500, and I want two decent graphics cards. Unless one is way better than the two. I'm looking for AMD due to my computer having Crossfire and not SLI.
  8. Also one more question. Is it worth it to buy a 290 and theb also use one 5770 with it? Can I do that?
  9. I think I'll do 2x R9 290, get one, then another one later. Thanks.
  10. cywehner1234

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    Bump for shits and grins :p
  11. Also, I have two ati radeon 5770's, and I want to upgrade from those. I would need a card better than both of those.
  12. You cannot trade steam games that are in your library. Lol. Really?
  13. Pretty sure they said something about scenery. They have to optimize the game well before they can really add scenery. Although I do agree, it's very bland everywhere.
  14. cywehner1234

    Epoch Noob Server Going Strong

    Wow, that sounds like DayZ.
  15. cywehner1234

    New improvised backpack.

    That sounds like a good trade imo. But your supplies wouldnt last forever, and you would need to search to resupply them. I approve. I also thought of the way of living, eating bugs. Gross, but i mean, it would allow you to survive in the wilderness.
  16. cywehner1234

    Nuggets, Caged Zombie and Babies

    I have to say this post made me laugh a lot. This was one of the few times i've laughed at a forum post.
  17. cywehner1234

    Walking while eating

    Are you serious?.. I can't tell. People can still walk around with one of their arms blown off and attempt to dress it and walk lol. It's not like you instantly lost all bandaging abilities.
  18. cywehner1234

    Horses in DayZ Standalone

    It's like beating a dead horse over and over. (Pun intended) But really, they said they want to TRY to impliment horses, but it's not exactly 100% sure that they will even work, let alone be implimented at all.
  19. cywehner1234

    Make mics a requirement.

    Accccctuaaaaalyyyyyyyy, It is about how long you can hold W, and, farming is wanting to be implimented, therefor it could be a farming simulator ^-^
  20. cywehner1234

    Long Chain and Chain Ball For Hostiles

    Cause that sooooooooooo isn't copied off the walking dead. Defintely not.
  21. cywehner1234

    Is Dayz standalone even relevant anymore?

    I think DayZ will be in shambles due to other games like it being so successful. The games graphics are outdated, it plays like poop, but what more can I expect. They really should have went with a different engine, or at least waited for Arma 3's. But it is what it is, I'm looking forward to a different game genre. I visit back every few months, but it always seems there's next to nothing added.
  22. I have sat back for a few months now and intentionally stayed away because of this. I will come back when I KNOW a big update has released.
  23. cywehner1234

    Bird/Animal Cages

    They already said they want to impliment farming lol.
  24. cywehner1234

    Bird/Animal Cages

    This. All of this. Also farming ^_^
  25. cywehner1234

    I want to see loot on beaches

    But really what's the point? Increasing server load with a FUCKTON of items, and raping the server even more? I really do not see the point on this. I approve ship recks and things like that, but not random trash ALL around the coast. It would kill the server.