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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. I honestly think you cannot do this. Your games arent actually bought through steam, therfor steam doesnt recongnize you have them. You bought them completely seperate, and you need to buy the STEAM versions for the STEAM DLC to work.
  2. Aging sounds awesome. For every week IRL you survive, you age one year, you start at 18-23. You could instantly tell the veterans from the others then. I would seriously Love this.
  3. cywehner1234

    Looking for Partner(s)

    Buildings stay on the server indefnitly, as long as you maintain them like every month, irl time. Only on the server you place them on though. Epoch you have seperate building materials, walls, fences, sandbags, garage doors, combo locks, etc.
  4. cywehner1234

    Imitating zombie walking.

    I would actually love this. Just lower your visiablity and hearing, then boom, you can semi blend in. This would be a GREAT and very unique feature, that no zombie game has attempted. I would actually promote this, a lot.
  5. cywehner1234

    Looking for Partner(s)

    I mean like fucking up a base, that pisses me off to no end when someone destroys something that we worked hard on.
  6. cywehner1234

    Looking for Partner(s)

    I was here before DayZ, and I saw the explosion of it. I am a very expierience hardcore gamer, that enjoys to game, but also enjoys to kill, in DayZ. I am a semi-friendly, semi-bandit, only because I get what I need to get. I am pretty friendly, as long as you don't massively fuck up or destroy something. Veteran DayZ PlayerVeteran Arma II PlayerPlayed Arma III since BetaVery experienced with gaming17Have a job from 7-3 central time, weekdaysI love base building, and expanding on our base. I like meeting up at these places, and use it more as a rally point, than a base. I still love building in Epoch, because of the interesting things that I can make within a base. I've made bunkers (Yes, actual bunkers only accesable from in the base), watch-towers, helipads, garages, etc.I like playing Epoch for the base building.I don't rage when I die, but rather think of it as, what goes around comes around. I will kill people on sight, if they get in my way.I attempt to make contact first before killing them.Reliable teammate. Requirements for you : Must be willing to build a base and spend time on actually building it. Be constructive, not destructive. Not be all about you, rather think of the group, than just yourself. Be semi-experienced. Listen to each other, not having one person be the leader, more of a democracy. Skype : Cywehner123 Steam: You Think This Is a FUCKIN GAME? OR AsOiX Message me or post back if interested.
  7. I wouldn't mind getting back into DayZ for a reason. I used to have fun as hell times with people. I miss it, aha. Hmu on skype if you want, cywehner123
  8. cywehner1234

    Custom designs on guns, cars, and clothes

    You've got to think how hard it is and how much effort you have to put into things to produce stuff like this. Making custom stuff, would NOT be easy to code, and keep through server restarts. It's not as easy as it seems >.>
  9. cywehner1234

    Broken Leg Animation

    I believe you actually do this. I saw the animation in one of the DevBlogs, but im not sure if its for broken legs.
  10. I currently have two ATI Radeon 5700 Crossfired graphics cards. Im looking to upgrade to something better, with a decent price.
  11. I cannot do it now as I am at work.
  12. No, I'm legit. steamcommunity.com/id/Keeper-AsOiX I would not steal your key. I swear on my life. You can cancel the teamviewer at ANY time.
  13. 3 p.m. It is 7:48 here. So thats like 8 hours.
  14. cywehner1234

    Grapics Card, Opinions Needed

    I make around 200 bucks a week, with no real bills. So I would say 200-600.
  15. cywehner1234

    Rarity of guns will change everything

    I don't know about you, but I will take advantage of restraining people, instead of just instantly shooting them. It will cause for some really goodo fun, for both parties. I do hope that guns are rare in the SA.
  16. cywehner1234

    Were vehicles patched out of Dayz?

    I thought there was only like 10 on a map before all these custom servers. I only found one car on a legit DayZ server, when it just started. Those were the times... Now they're gone :'((
  17. Ill do it for you if you want. Ill be on around 3, if you're willing to wait that long.
  18. cywehner1234

    how did people get SA invites for pre-alpha?

    I seen that one person got a key for trolling and saying that SA will sucks. Troll got shut down I guess xD
  19. cywehner1234

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    I seriously wouldnt even mind this game being like 40 - 60 bucks. I almost WANT to donate to Rocket, more money than just buying the game. Great times in DayZ.
  20. cywehner1234

    Random occurring events in DayZ SA

    I would like these but I would they them to be Rare or Extremely rare.
  21. cywehner1234

    Returning player

    Well it's awful now, 1000 cars per map, not that was original. It's a massive noobfest now. People that don't want to play DayZ, they want to play CodZ, and thats what 3/4ths of the servers are.
  22. cywehner1234

    GPS and Waypoints

    And also if you would like to get techinical, a zombie apocolypse would never actually happen or be successful unless it was a disease or cold or something like that. That was passed on not through just biting. Army, Air Force, Marines, honestly, a zombie apocolypse is totally unrealistic, so stop trying to act like a game has to be perfecly accurate. It's quite annoying that you think you're right about everything and add 7000 faces in a paragraph.
  23. cywehner1234

    Different foods

    Lettuce expires, along with everything else. Canned food have a much longer living time than these other ones, although I definitely do agree that we need more food! Even the one's you suggested!
  24. Ehhhh. Everything else seems to be easy to find, which is why vehicles are the holy grail lol. I want military equipment in the SA to be HARD to find, not easy like it is now. Adds no excitement to the game. Otherwise, I would agree with you.