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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    Stay out of this server!

    "Well, the reason my server went all DO NOT ENTER was due to retarded shit and myself and company felt like we had the RIGHT to gather what we had back. You all know the feeling of losing hours, days, weeks, etc to this game and how frustrating it can be. Once we got a basic set of gear back, I re-named the server to "The Apocalypse Group" and had no problem letting the server fill and everyone play as they wish." First off, you do not have any right, to get your gear back privately. This is DayZ, and if you cannot handle it, then the door is open. We do not want people that host their own servers to get gear, and kick people because they got killed. "But please realize I was only allowing me and some fellow players to regain what we lost from something that should not have happened but does anyways" Once again, this is DayZ, you can get your server shutdown for that, just saying. What did you expect from a server named DO NOT JOIN! lmao... We were NOT server hopping, or anything malicious, just doing a nice go around to find the items we had before (and I think I got an extra ACOG out of it in pristine condition but Shhh don't tell anyone... That could be an exploit from the perspective of someone with something to prove). This is exactly why people should not be allowed to be "admins on servers." You, are a shitty host provider, and a shitty person in general, considering you have to get your own server to exploit it for the game. Good job, hope you get your shit locked forever.
  2. ... the first part is logical, considering most people camp balota and NWAF, I was in a group of 6 that were there, doesn't mean we hack. Also, I've seen people on the ground running too,. Its a glitch. You can snipe the Air control tower easily with a mosin also btw. I have no clue about the other part.
  3. cywehner1234

    Dayz selling like the clappers :o

    Actually, they're on two week break because of the holidays man aha. Although they do big patches and do hotfixes and mini patches. They are fairly fast so I expect this game to get good quick. I think there has been at least 3 patches since release? The last one being on the 20th.
  4. cywehner1234

    (SA) Chopper crash/random event idea

    +1, Would like to see these again
  5. cywehner1234

    Found this

    I hope everyone gets banned, and they will in the future. Stupid people everywhere.
  6. And that is completely wrong, just so you know.
  7. You accepted it being an alpha, and this is what alpha does.
  8. Yeah but it's an alpha. You cannot expect much more.
  9. Says we call him racial slurs > Say nothing about racial slurs > Calls us fags and gay's. Homophobic slurs much?
  10. cywehner1234

    Combat Logging and Server Hopping [Suggestions]

    Read. Around. Holy. Shit. This is like the 220'th post about this.
  11. cywehner1234

    Help building a rig!

    By the way those 20 dollar wireless adapters are fucking AWFUL. They barely load the internet. Seriously look into finding a better one. I bought one, and I couldn't play anything without having 250-500 ping at a time.
  12. cywehner1234

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    I would really like to see a guitar, and some a card table where you can play cards at. I would REALLY love just taking a break from killing, and having fun with some mates. Would really let up on KoS'ing too! :D In a way haha.
  13. I was looking for a fresh spawn to give all my gear to considering it's christmas and all. Two dudes approached me and told me to put my gun on my back so I did, I told them I was looking to give someone all my gear because it was christmas. He told me to drop my gas mask, so I did, then shot me. Wtf is that? There is defintely something wrong with that situation. Talk about being a scrooge -_-
  14. End game needs more. Everything is focused on balota, it's alpha though, I get it. No one is up north lol. I ran the wrong way, TWICE reaching the end of the map. So I had zombies eat me instead of running down. :DD Oh DayZ I luv u bby <3
  15. cywehner1234

    Bullet drop, wind, rain...

    I'm assuming so. DayZ SA is based off the arma engine, so im assuming they kept that stuff.
  16. cywehner1234

    Character Slots?

    It is. It's supposed to be one persons story. Not two. The game is quite great even for an alpha atm.
  17. cywehner1234

    Character Slots?

    It's DayZ dude. It's not meant to be played by TWO people. You would have to buy a new game on another steam account.
  18. cywehner1234

    sniping whit the mosin

    lol this is pathetic.
  19. cywehner1234

    Lost in the mountains

    You've probs reached the end of the map lmfao
  20. cywehner1234

    1st Christmas Kill

    -_- Apparently nobody on this earth is friendly anymore besides me lmfao.
  21. I wynt aydmyns to g7ve m3 a11 th3 l007 s0 i d0nt hyve to wrk 4 et. Shyty idyea es shiitay
  22. cywehner1234

    SUGG: Crawling Zombies?

    I have no doubt Dean will do this once he gets everything else fixed. There's priorities.
  23. ... I could say I hack, doesn't mean I actually do. Sounds like they're full of shit.
  24. cywehner1234

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I-48 Central hosted by Mrsp (or Msrp) dont remember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJUjwTkG9zw&list=UUYDcV0NNurLatL9YQYUS0ZQ&index=1 Echo was the person.
  25. I was playing and this dude just says, get the fuck off my server, to EVERYONE and kicked everyone on the server. Abusive server providers or hackers?