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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    Vehicle release date?

    Nobody will ever know.
  2. cywehner1234

    Hunting Bandits in DayZ

    Really annoying to watch someone that glitches back literally every 2 seconds.
  3. cywehner1234

    NOT just another skills post.

    Not a skill tree, but maybe recipes that you can find around the map, something like that. Have them in notebooks or something, and I actually approve this. +1
  4. cywehner1234

    Am I naive in wanting to learn the map myself?

    Nah man, that's 100% immersion. I did that my first days on DayZ, but knew most of it on Arma II.
  5. cywehner1234

    Acquisition of clothing

    Now, as somebody rightly pointed out, 'why would I want to put on a zombie blood covered, anything'? Maybe taking said item to water, where the item could be washed, would rid the item of all that zombie nastiness and give the player the new look/capacity they were looking for? If Rocket really wanted to add something thats already been done, i.e. walking dead, he could put in, when wearing zombie clothing, there is a 75% chance that they will ignore you.
  6. cywehner1234

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    Well if this happened two days ago, I had an encounter with my buddies at sniper hill. Perhaps it was me, I had shot someone on the back, desync'd, and rubberbanned a little bit. I really do have a feeling that it was me, considering it probably took about 20 minutes to kill everyone. I managed to kill one during desync someone, and shot one that was proning in a bush near the fence. There was one more dude in a camo hat that killed me. We exchanged fire behind tree's, and I died. I dunno, I just have a feeling that this is about me. If it is. I don't combat log, I was sneaky ;)
  7. cywehner1234

    Concerned with BattlEye

    Btw battle eye wasnt in CoD. That was PunkBuster, difference. Don't cheat, and you wont get banned. Don't use scripts, or hacks, and boom, you're fine.
  8. cywehner1234

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    +1 man :p
  9. This fucking post omg. xD BEANS TO ALL YOU
  10. Server hoppperrrrrrrrr. By the way, alpher ;)
  11. cywehner1234

    Related? Yes... no maybe so?

    Its a really shitty reality show. It's all staged and nobody is actually surviving. I watch A EPISODE, to really it was all staged.
  12. cywehner1234

    How long for corpse decay?

    If you leave, your bodies gone. This needs to be fixed and will be addressed soon. Bodies have been disappearing a lot.
  13. cywehner1234

    New Player Views

    You're hungry because you're not full. You need to eat till it says your full, along with your water.
  14. cywehner1234

    Any Australian clans?

    That's great, another private server locker. Prepare to get your server banned if you do so c;
  15. cywehner1234

    Explorers Log: Expedition Chernarus

    I actually like this. I usually don't like things like this, good job man. Keep them coming!
  16. cywehner1234

    Met a friendly on the top of the hospital today...

    He blended in lol! I didnt see him.
  17. cywehner1234

    Sick of seeing stupid threads!

    A lot of people bitched about the price of the game. Considering 30 USD is practically nothing if you actually have a job and have a little spending cash, I don't know why everyone freaked out. I would have easily paid 60 dollars for it.
  18. Ill stick to my third person. I enjoy running around in third, thanks. I don't combat in third. If 3rd was removed from this game, I don't even know if I could play this game anymore tbh.
  19. cywehner1234

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    I want many more civilian weapons, hunting rifles, shotguns, pistols, etc. I want very few military rifles. I want them to be RARE. Really rare.
  20. Instead of having a clusterfuck of Private Hives, and Normal Hives, I would like to see an entire different client / server list for these. I want to know the offical servers, and the non offical servers. You could even add filter options for non private / private hives I got tired of the DayZ mod because of all the private hives, and it all became 1000 cars, 50+ Helicopters, self blood bag, Military spawn loot. This really ruined my gameplay experience in the mod, and I would like to see this dealt with. Leave your opinions or questions in the comments below please. Thanks, AsOiX
  21. cywehner1234

    Bullet proof vests and Night Vision goggles.

    I thought I heard rocket say that he didn't want NVG's in, or they would be extremely limited.
  22. cywehner1234

    Suggestion Ghillie Rifle Wrap

    -_- that was in arma 2 DayZ mod. I personally do not agree with these, considering nobody actually has these. Not to mention I do not like camo'd hardcore stuff, like ghillies. They're so just not real.
  23. cywehner1234

    Best way to stop combat logging

    7000th thread about this, read around. They did it in the mod, so why suggest anything different?