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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    Enhancing Jackets / Pants through Sewing.

    Because pocket on your knees makes sense... I personally think cargo pants should hold more than hunter pants, considering cargo have 2 back pockets, two front, and two side pouches. Thats more than jeans and hunting pants imo. But this just doesnt make sense >.> Pants already maximize space already..
  2. cywehner1234

    Should this be called fun?

    If you take 6 hours to run to north west from east coast, you do not know the map AT ALL. This game is much more than you make it out to be, and if you cannot find loot, you do not know where to get it. Eating untill your full helps you, just saying. This game isnt meant to be a 24/7 fun fest. Survival is fun to me, and if you do not like it, you do not have to play. I suggest you wait for more updates, this game will become more scavenging for survival.
  3. I hope you realize this is an alpha and nothing is final.. I'm pretty sure they had to throw away all their zombie work for some reason, it was in a dev blog. But seriously, it's an alpha, and a damn good one. You're right though, zombies need work (obviously) and I don't believe the male player model is bad at all. This game has come a FAR way than what you realize from being new.. Better / New things -Inventory -Animations -Zombies (Pathfinding) -Graphics of models implimented -Weapons -Melee -Map improvement -Weapons build from the ground up -(Better sounds soon, as they hired a sound person) -Vaulting while running -Night -Clouds -Attatchments There is a ton of stuff, you just have to look more in depth. In my opinion the mod is nothing compared to this, considering all the mod was was literally arma 2 but a game mode.
  4. cywehner1234

    Dayz mass bodys in Solnichniy

    Everyone is killing themselves thats why... -_-
  5. cywehner1234

    Combat logging fix idea (simple)

    Sounds awful IMO.
  6. cywehner1234

    increase the longevity of the game

    People already make "factions" though. That's what groups are, tiny factions. People on certain servers do make factions. People raid bases, and that practically is the equivalent. All this stuff is already been done if you really think about it. And what would stop people from KOS'ing other people?..
  7. cywehner1234

    increase the longevity of the game

    But why? Why impliment them? There's already a free browser based game that does this, and I played it for literally 20 minutes then quit it forever. It's not me. I don't want restrictions, JUST because im not a certain class. It takes away from lone wolfing, even more than DayZ already has. I've never seen a sucessful zombie game that has classes in it.. I suppose a survivor should start with a car and a DMR with 10 blood bags and an as50 on his back too right?..
  8. cywehner1234

    increase the longevity of the game

    I disagree, and so does Dean. Everything will be player driven. No set path. You want to be a criminal, be one. You want to be good? Do it. You want to stay away from everyone, do it. These classes are just pointless nonsense when you can do everything even without those classes.
  9. cywehner1234

    Non kos servers?

  10. We cannot show any of this right now though. There is no, Days survived, or anything like that in SA. You're a little late if you want to do that, cause you could in the mod. Also, you may want to come up with an algarithm because this is going to take WAY Too much time to do individually, considering there are AT LEAST 1 million DayZ SA players. I support it, but I don't think it's though out well. You would probably be going through at least, AT LEAST, 1,000 a day.
  11. cywehner1234

    M4a1 acog!

    Some sights don't work while proning. I have no clue why. Iron sights work for sure though.
  12. cywehner1234

    increase the longevity of the game

    Dean already said he doesn't want classes. This game is player driven, not a path that, you can only build here, you can only do this. What you describe just sounds so linear to every game.
  13. cywehner1234

    Idea about books

    I don't think that this would be very useful. My idea is maybe take some of the guides from steam on DayZ and throw them in a book.
  14. cywehner1234

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    Razer Timate 7.1 seems to work well.
  15. cywehner1234

    "deploy" the Hood

    +1 Actually useful.
  16. cywehner1234

    Still alive...

    You seem to make posts just to make posts. Plese stop, because I have seen you everywhere. None are productive either.
  17. I actually promote this, as long as these insignia's are either A. approved by the community individually, or B. by the developers. I've had enough of sdeeing dicks and vaginas in games. CoD and BF did that for me.
  18. cywehner1234

    Worn long Range scope?

    When you get hit, it spawns like that sometimes. If you throw it in your backpack, and you get shot there, it will probably be ruined.
  19. Lol submit to battle-eye and he will be gone. Agree'd on he should be banned.
  20. cywehner1234

    Basebuilding - Utility over Storage

    Agreed. I would like Base Building in general. I LOVED this part of DayZ Epoch, and cannot wait for the Standalone to do so.
  21. Fear. Anyone that has a gun and is aiming it, is going down. Anyone without a gun, and is a fresh spawn, I will let pass, as long as they don't come near me.
  22. cywehner1234

    More Roleplaying please?

    IMO a roleplay server for DayZ should be implimented and only certain people would be whitelisted. Would be one of the best
  23. cywehner1234

    DayZ - The way I see it

    IMO you're right about everything.
  24. cywehner1234

    Next patch due?

    I'm guessing by friday.