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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    I think it would be awesome, if ...

    Would be nice ;)
  2. cywehner1234

    Balota no longer spawns tac vests/certain gear?

    I havent seen one in a while. Hopefully they make all armor rare ;)
  3. cywehner1234

    model posing

    This has actually been talked about. Have your body be lootable, but at least you would survive in the end, and have some gear.
  4. cywehner1234

    Sniping Gadgets

    I personally want all military snipers to be rare. Snipers ruined the mod, hard. Only Civilian weapons should be common >.>
  5. cywehner1234

    Pond water

    I hope soon. lol. I want to surive man :/
  6. cywehner1234

    To the Mod who sent me the warning

    Also, wrong section. ;)
  7. cywehner1234

    Gun Straps

  8. cywehner1234

    Why would you discourage KoS?

    I appreciate that people KoS, but it gets overboard. Also, there is a search function, seeing as theres 7000 posts on this. Literally.
  9. cywehner1234

    To the Mod who sent me the warning

    inb4 Graveyard man ;) There is PM's for a reason.
  10. cywehner1234

    0.36.115535 pushing to experimental

    I know, i've been waiting for patch notes.
  11. cywehner1234

    Building a house from scratch (like rust)

    Base building will be released probably after cars. In time, this game will get a lot more exciting, very rapidly.
  12. cywehner1234

    Hackers, WH

    Inb4 graveyard ;)
  13. cywehner1234

    can anyone help me out here?

    Yeah I would assume. I run crysis 1, warhead, & crysis 2 50+ FPS and still lag and get 50+ fps in wiliderness 30+ in cities. This game needs some optimization. So if you really want to play, buy a new one. If you want to wait for optimization, you could do so. No assuring that it will be enough to make your comp run it.
  14. cywehner1234

    Render equipment unusable

    Hey, id give a guy a ruined gun and see him look like an idiot when he points it at me and tries to shoot me.
  15. cywehner1234

    How can a "rotten" kiwi be "pristine"?

    Only the rotten fruit are prestein are the ones that have swag. Swag dawg.
  16. cywehner1234

    can anyone help me out here?

    Laptop.lel. Your graphics card is defenitely not the best, but its not terrible either. You run 30 fps at 1366 x 768, on crysis warhead. I do not believe that your graphics card is really up to par. Consider getting a new graphics card.
  17. cywehner1234

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    My fucking eyes hurt from the KoS threats.
  18. My eyes are burning out from the KoS threads/
  19. cywehner1234

    Ever Saw 25+ friendlies in one area? Now you have! :D

    I always look around when I play lol. I don't ever keep my head still, running, walking anything, im always watching my surroundings. It's shakey sure, cause I was trying to capture how many people that were there.
  20. cywehner1234

    This game is shit

    It's called desync and a terrible server. If you think this game is this bad to write a forum post about it, you're just wasting your time. Also. Alpha. Seriously you press the button every time you log in. Have fun on another game then I guess, although I do suggest coming back in 2 years. Inb4 Graveyard
  21. cywehner1234

    Some stuff what need a change!?

    When this game becomes an actual survival game, it will tell who the true hardcore DayZ players are. All the cod kiddies will flow out.
  22. cywehner1234

    A better way to travel

    Is this red dead redemption?
  23. cywehner1234

    ESP hacks are annoying

    I have seen one. ONE.
  24. cywehner1234

    Ever Saw 25+ friendlies in one area? Now you have! :D

    Yep, I fixed it. lol.
  25. cywehner1234

    Shouldn't the #1 priority be mods ?

    We understand. Everyone has shot your explinations down, why continue to fight?