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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    How long is your average Dayz session?

    Probs about 3-4
  2. cywehner1234

    Will Trade For DayZ

    Not here you wont (:
  3. cywehner1234

    Character wipes still happening?

    I havent been whiped in quite a while. You may have joined a hardcore server, when your char was on a normal. Go back on a normal server and see.
  4. cywehner1234

    New Documentary On DayZ And Dean Hall

    Subscribed, if this is your video. This video is great though, thanks for it! Beans
  5. cywehner1234


    Its quite pointless in my opinion. Who would start his game saying, OH I want a slingshot so it only takes me 50 hits to kill someone!
  6. cywehner1234

    admin abuse or hack

    Or you just suck. I don't run into any hackers, that just me though. Desync maybe?
  7. cywehner1234

    Pistol Holster Idea/Pistol idea (Pics)

    Saw off the shotgun, and its considered a secondary.
  8. cywehner1234

    Pistol Holster Idea/Pistol idea (Pics)

    ... CoD dual weapons lol. I agree with everything else though.
  9. cywehner1234

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    ALLLLLLLLLLLPHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA. And in my opinion, the m4 is underpowered.
  10. Priorities man. Priorities. And by the way, you cannot shoot out of the buildings ;)
  11. cywehner1234

    Multi-function Stance Key

    This really does need to be noticed more in my opinion. It adds so much more depth to combat.
  12. cywehner1234


  13. cywehner1234

    Cable Ties

  14. cywehner1234

    Cable Ties

    I know maximum security handcuffs are coming, but im not sure about zip ties. Most likely though.
  15. cywehner1234

    Server population - do you gravitate to large or small?

    20+ people normally. Servers lag too much to have any more, and map is too small.
  16. cywehner1234

    Heli Crashsite - where is it?

    Yeah, i've seen a few of these. These are always there though, nothing spawns in them.
  17. cywehner1234

    DayZ Poster?

    Is there any chance that they could make a poster for sale? I want one, and I bet a lot of us do too! XD
  18. cywehner1234

    DayZ Poster?

    DayZ is classy AF. She wouldn't understand most likely. I really want one though, I just cannot find where to buy one.
  19. cywehner1234

    Compound bow

  20. cywehner1234

    DayZ Poster?

    I'm not exactly good at anything with photoshop otherwise I would.
  21. cywehner1234

    DayZ Poster?

    Yes, I tried making one custom, but none of them are big enough to fit the resolution I want. I want a big poster, not a 12 in poster lol. Which is why I would like it profesionally done.
  22. cywehner1234

    Weapon Condition

    This post lmfao. Inb4 graveyarded. Pointless post is pointless.
  23. cywehner1234

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    Some mods have lives, considering they are human. Report it and move on.
  24. cywehner1234

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    If this game didn't have gearing up, what makes it any different from Arma. Literally, you want to play arma, not DayZ. EDIT: Inb4 lock