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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. Your ideas are everywhere. I dont know about most of this. But the bulletproof glass should be in it imo. As long as it only take like 10 shots depending on the weapon. And is EXTREMELY rare too.
  2. cywehner1234

    Did anyone lose a mosin...

    Or they found a better gun than the mosin. You know. Pointless thread.
  3. cywehner1234

    The Wet Bandits

    I could only stand listening to about a half minute of that before my ears were blown out by awful ass audio.
  4. cywehner1234

    The Truth behind the DayZ Infection

    Oh my god, story of my life. I resorted to KoSing because I died way too many times trying to be friendly.
  5. cywehner1234

    SAS Clan Recruitment

    Ive seen just about probs 5-10 threads named SAS clan so you're not unique in any way.
  6. cywehner1234

    Are you addicted to this game?

    Havent played in a few weeks, nothing new.
  7. cywehner1234

    Sleeping bags and tarps vs camps

    *bury in the map* Lets have all 1,000,000 buyers place their stuff in the ground on one map. That sounds great, all joking aside, I like the fact that I had to stay on one server even during night
  8. cywehner1234

    Rate the gear of the person above you

    This thread has been made 7000 times over.
  9. Only good youtube dayz player ive seen lol. Subbed.
  10. cywehner1234

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    A supercomputer. I seriously wonder why it runs so shittly too.
  11. cywehner1234

    Here's The Deal...

    inb4 lock or graveyard. This is an alpha, you said it was, so give it time.
  12. cywehner1234

    Your best (fully geared) - (Armed) moment

    Im more concerned about his potato computer xD. The graphics tho.
  13. cywehner1234

    Lost all my items after game crash

    You cannot solve it. You have to restart your char. It happens to everyone. Rarely it happens anymore to me though.
  14. cywehner1234

    Comparing accuracy of LRS for the Mosin

    Literally did not make a difference. ^
  15. 100% Agreed. People see this game as a pvp right now, and NOT survival. People don't give a shit about living, only collect "T3h bys7 gunZ 3v4r."
  16. cywehner1234

    More Character Customization

    Everyones going nuts over beards lol
  17. cywehner1234

    Great Channel That Does DayZ

    You cannot call your own channel great.. Thats like when movies say, #1 movie of the year, and every single movie says it.
  18. cywehner1234

    suggestion for login dead areas around attractive areas

    WarZ BoreZ didnt do this to well, and massively messed the game up. I do like the idea but how would you impliment it.
  19. cywehner1234

    Real Hardcore Mode

    Oh I would team up with everyone just to keep alive. No joke. I would be all for it.
  20. Yeah, too much flashing.
  21. cywehner1234

    Can You Help Me Get Some Gas?

    Now thats fucking funny stuff! LOL
  22. cywehner1234

    Lol Teamspeak not good mix.

    You act like this makes you skilled at anything. You're a ghoster imo.
  23. cywehner1234

    I made the 3D printed logo of TMW

    Make one that says DayZ and ill give you $30 xD
  24. cywehner1234

    I now have a theme song when I walk through towns

    I don't know if this fits but this would be it :P I'm friendly man!
  25. cywehner1234

    Scripting my server.. I really need help!

    Why host if you don't know how to script or do anything as a server hoster. >.> I have no idea which is why I don't host. Also, nobody is probably going to do this for free. JS