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Everything posted by cywehner1234

  1. cywehner1234

    Interview with SenChi (World Designer)

    I don't find out about them unless their posted on the forums. I don't like reddit lol or twitter
  2. cywehner1234

    Delay when messing around with inventory?

    Welcome to Alpha. It's the server that lags.
  3. cywehner1234

    will you get the full game if u bought the early access

    Yes. For cheaper too.
  4. cywehner1234

    New AAR

    Uh. Okay. I guess. I don't think everyones really up for JUST reading all the time though.
  5. cywehner1234

    Making guns a much more in-depth factor

    But what's the point? Parts arent just going to be missing from weapons. And do they spawn seperately? Are they removed? What's to prevent massive trolling on all weapons?
  6. cywehner1234

    Novigrad - Capital of Chernarus

    In my opinion, they should just expand and make the whole chernarous. Have it complete in probs 2 years, would expand the map a lot and look a lot better. Bigger map, more areas, unique capital, utes island, seriously, what more could people want then?
  7. cywehner1234

    Making guns a much more in-depth factor

    I think its in depth enough. You can remove all the parts now at still have it be operational. It's pretty shitty though lol. This is too far.
  8. cywehner1234

    Combine Chernarus & Utes

    Combine Chernarus with Utes, then boats are actually useful. Sorry at work can't post much
  9. cywehner1234

    Found shutter island!

    Jump to 25 seconds and let the fun begin Let's have a little fun with this fucking video +1 Fucks given http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yzt62n-v60&list=UUYDcV0NNurLatL9YQYUS0ZQ Fucks given by me : 0 Stop swearing so much. No class.
  10. cywehner1234

    Quick question: What is Hardcore?

    I dont know about hardcore, but I do know about crabcore If anyone even gets it I will be amazed. And Hardcore seems to be First person only. Thats all I notice.
  11. cywehner1234

    Hacker on DayZ SE 0-3?

    Didnt even know DayZ had fences. lol.
  12. cywehner1234

    Ok... So your friendly... BOOM!

    Wtf did I read.
  13. cywehner1234

    The CZ 550

    I would much much rather have the CZ. Now that guns a hunting rifle. Civilian weapon. Hey, it would fit, js.
  14. cywehner1234

    Show item to another player?

    You already can.. Thats why you can hold stuff.. In your hands..
  15. cywehner1234

    Honey and beehives

    Watchi it the bee's will fuck you up.
  16. cywehner1234


  17. cywehner1234

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    A youtuber that everyone and their little brother thinks is "T3h by3st" Because he shoots people and claims to be a hero.
  18. cywehner1234

    What we see, and what would be awesome too see..

    I expect at least a little bit different elevation at times lmfao. The cities are boring as fuck, terrain is bland as hell, and there's nothing interesting at all on the map. Nothing. Same thing with the mod, nothing interesting. No landmarks, nothing. Hell, if I was to make a zombie game, I sure as hell would make it a very urban area, big cities, the countryside, all enterable skyscrapers. And I tell you one thing, it sure as fuck would not be on the RV Engine. The map is extremely boring, and I don't know how to express that anymore. Barely anything changed from the mod. Us mod players know this map like the back of our hand, and it's not refreshing to add "a swamp" at the coast, and expect us to be awed. Sorry, but this map is boring. I have logged 700+ hours on the mod and 100+ on SA. I've had enough of it xD
  19. cywehner1234

    Ok... So your friendly... BOOM!

    Stupid bandits. Its really disappointing to find out when people say "Friendly" they aren't friendly and just shoot you. Very disappointing player base right now, but alpha.
  20. cywehner1234

    What we see, and what would be awesome too see..

    Chernarus is a very bland place in my opinion. Everything looks the same, all the same buldings in every town. Very very bland.
  21. cywehner1234

    yo yo yo stop the press!

    Who wears a fireaxe on their chest.
  22. cywehner1234

    Help for fresh spawns

    That was short and quite utterly pointless. Just my review.
  23. cywehner1234

    Poison Arrows

    poisons + hunting = Eating Poisoned food. Nice job, you just successfully killed your family.
  24. cywehner1234


    Rocket already said he cannot fix this due to everyones monitors being different and having to adjust gamma and brightness.
  25. cywehner1234

    Sports equipment as armor...

    Could add a soccer ball and host soccer games for shits and giggles lol. Seeing as physcis are being implimented.