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About akix

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Just comment if your interested in gear As-50 3 mags M4A1 HWS- multiple mags M9SD Basic Gear Coyote BackPack
  2. akix

    Trading AS50

    i have a m4 hws as my primary and just want a good second weapon make offers of good guns you have.
  3. im bored of sniping it has 3 mags and i can throw in a ghillie suit please make serious offers.
  4. i have a as50 rounds and a m4a1 hws m203 with ammo. no m4a1 sd?
  5. I have a as50+3 NATO mags I'm looking to get things like range finders,gps,and and a PP-19 with mags and other offers I'm a trusted trader so message me! EDIT:also looking for a mk48 with ammo. Have a ghillie suit also to trade
  6. akix

    Traders and Traitors

    1+ for bonehead3535 he was patient and a safe trade
  7. I have a m4a1 cco sd i would like to trade for a m4a1 hws
  8. akix

    Looking For a SVD camo

    ok so i'm not gonna be sitting 1600 meters out i want something for closer range and quieter to a big bulky loud sniper, i'm not camping cherno or elektro
  9. I have a As50 with 3 mags and a m4a1 cco sd looking for svd camo with atleast 2 mags
  10. akix

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    Current load out: lee enfield,and a m16a2 in my bag,m9,medical supplies,matches,knife,hatchet. Dream load out:Ghillie,coyote backpack, m107, any pistol, ammo, and nvgs
  11. akix

    Looking to trade

    ive never been shot at or killed when trading but some people do it but im looking to actually trade.
  12. akix

    Looking to trade

    a trade went very well today