On the server US 671, me and my buddies were out venturing when we spotted a guy on a bike and a guy in a tractor. Naturally, we started shooting. After I died, and my two partners gave 'em a bad time and slew 3 out of 4 of the group, we were kicked from the server. Turns out, we shot the admins. Users: It Be Waffles, John Lennon, and Billy Mays were shot and killed. When we tried to reenter the server to gain our well-earned loot, we were kicked - AGAIN. AND AGAIN. Obviously, the community does not have the power to ban poor sports, but I advise you to stay away from US 671 during your future DayZ adventures. For your information, we spotted them at Vybor. Since it's got a marketplace I can't assume they would make a base out of the town, but they will likely patrol the area. So if you guys want to get some quality rage, I suppose you could hunt for them. Thanks for your time. Oh and if Billy Mays and the crew are reading this, you should change your tampons. Edit: Billy Mays wasn't killed (but is an admin). Instead, Everett was the one slain.