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About Uncle-Thugs

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Uncle-Thugs

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    I've tried everything above still no healthy status Ill keep trying
  2. Uncle-Thugs

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    No problem thanks
  3. Uncle-Thugs

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    Thanks ill give that a go. I seem fine though though anyhow will try it
  4. Uncle-Thugs

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    Have mine disabled and like i said wasn't like this yesterday
  5. Uncle-Thugs

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    Like I said it was fine a day or so ago and it just randomly turned out like this. Ever since the sun got this way the colours on everything are faded and the games takes ALOT longer to load. I was thinking could be my GPU but its a 760 GTX and its been fine so far.
  6. So when I first started playing this standalone the sun was fine until yesterday. I went to play and now the sun is super bright and the colours fade in and out all the time. Anyone else having this problem?
  7. Uncle-Thugs

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Classic, I find it so funny when people defend something sooo bad. I own both because I can and to be honest I don't care whats better because I use them for different things. My mac is great for editing and my pc is great for gaming.
  8. Uncle-Thugs

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    I felt the same way as you until got one so don't knock it until you've owned one.
  9. Uncle-Thugs

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    I spent so much $$$ on fixing my old PC because of bullshit viruses and hardware, I got sick of it so got a new PC and I still spend money on it. I bought my Mac 4 years ago and I haven't spent a cent on it since. Macs are fucking great.
  10. Uncle-Thugs

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Here you go. http://www.egmnow.co...ome-to-consoles Including mac Just for shits and giggles I have a PC, iMac and Macbook and my macs are far more superior at everything apart from gaming. I do alot of editing and I would rather edit on Mac and even looking at my mac and pc screen right now the mac has such a beautiful screen compared to my PC. I go both ways, PC for gaming Mac for editing.
  11. Uncle-Thugs

    What is your FPS?

    What kind of CPU are you running? I also have the 7870 but it only sticks around 50 fps and when I'm recording drops to below 30.
  12. Uncle-Thugs

    DayZ on consoles

    Would love it to be on console. All my real life friends have consoles and at least I could roll with people I trust.
  13. Uncle-Thugs

    So I was sniping

    Can I ask what the deal is with all the ghillies and sniping? I'm curious is all I'm not hating I would rather have an assault rifle and go looting and shit instead of staying in one spot looking for Zombies/Players to kill. I understand the ghillie can hide you in grass and bushes, I still don't see the big deal but everyone has them.
  14. Uncle-Thugs

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Ahhh Double post^^ Can a mod delete one? One of my favorites. You can check more out at my blog and there will be more to come so feel free to follow if you like em :) BLOG
  15. Uncle-Thugs

    DayZ Screenshots!

    One of my favorites. You can check more out at my blog and there will be more to come so feel free to follow if you like em :) BLOG