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Everything posted by zuluecho

  1. zuluecho

    Are satchel charges actually in the game?

    I have only seen one so far but it was in a car I looted, not in a spawn place 'in the wild' so they do exist but I cannot confirm if they are legit or not :(
  2. zuluecho

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    They actually do close or even equivalent amount of damage per bullet. But I understand your concern and agree that plentyful ammo for Bizon can make it OP.
  3. zuluecho

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Do zeds yell out loud in a russian accent, "Fuck that hurt!" When they're being shot? Because, that's what I distinctly heard when shooting one. I once heard such yell (or rather moan) coming from nowhere. Thought there was a survivor, approached, searched all the corners of the two-level barn inside and outside but found nothing. The sound was directional so it was not coming from my char. Must be a bug.P.S. Zeds DO sometimes moan like survivors when they are being injured (shot) non-lethaly. Do not recon them yelling 'That hurts!' though.
  4. zuluecho

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Now wait a minute... I cant use hatchet to chop trees for a bonfire anymore? That makes me a saaaad saaad Chernorussia forest panda :(
  5. zuluecho

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    C'mon Rocket you tired troll, go get some sleep already and stop trolling left and right :D P.S. tnx for the work \o/
  6. zuluecho

    Build Hotfix

    Make sure the backpack you are trying to pickup is EMPTY. Only then you have TAKE BACKPACK option. Maybe that's the case.