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About Anubian

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    On the Coast

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  1. I must say I love almost every single aspect of these troll patch notes. I actually thought it was real for a split second and had hope for the Devs of the game once again.
  2. :D thanks for the hotfix can't wait to play later when its all set in stone. I notice you have mentioned fixing the artifacting with barb wire and dead bodies however there is one thing i beleive you may have missed. The destroyed UAZ and maybe another type of army vechile* are also experiencing the same effects of artifcating just incase you had not noticed with all the other bugs and glitches you were presented with. Thanks.
  3. Anubian

    gas more rare and cars more common!

    If you can't find any vechiles then you are doing it severly wrong, I only play with one friend but we have managed to find 6 vechiles a UAZ, ATV, Motorbike, 2 tracters and a GAZ in the last 2 days all in different locations on a few different servers. I think the rarity is perfectly balanced as fuel is still chewed up quite fast thus the need for so many gas stations, whats the point of having a vechile that you can't drive for risk of going dry on fuel and forcing you to run a trek to some very rare gas station that you are refering to. 90% of the vechiles have shit mileage over off-road terrain making them easy targets for players in the vicinty giving you more chance of obtaining one by killing the driver Also the servers I have found 5+ vechiles on usually have at least 50 in players online, which as you are saying should be harder but makes it easier for me. Reasoning is they tend to hide it in forests inland in clumps of trees which is where ive found 80% of the vechiles so far. This gives players more reasons to explore the map and its forests, I find it quite fun to explore the forests, spot a tent then find a few vechiles next to it to steal. I mean when I decide to keep a vechile usualy an atv or motorbike the first thing i think of doing is to drive down to the factory, you dont seem to understand how squishy these vechiles actually are. You bump a tree - lose a tire, damage engine or damage fuel parts, You hit a rock - Same thing, You fall in a ditch - Same thing. So for any good car parts the factory or a major city is the way for those players to go and thats basicly what you are saying for the fuel supply, if parts are hard enough to find then logicaly there already doing what you want rare fuel to do so just go and camp a factory.