You got banned for being a sly Mr so and so doing the following: Changing your name at every occasion Claiming you have tents with 60 ghillie suits and 60 as50's on other servers ect - i dont care what you say this is absolute garbage (dupe) We as a community dont like you, we dont like exploits, dupes ect it ruins the game for us and everyone else. Anyhow the reason you was kicked was because you killed two players and logged off before the third person could shoot you... This ban is not permanent for the time being until the head admin has spoken to the rest of the group. Now please stop moaning and join one of the other thousand servers, or buy one for yourself ... think its about 50 euros mate. If you cant afford this amount, your more than welcome to come back on DE4 and apologise to an admin and show a bit of respect to the guys that pay for the server and enforce rules. Thanks.