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tomv8 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by tomv8 (DayZ)

  1. tomv8 (DayZ)

    So, black SUV...

    in private servers there are 2 suv spawns
  2. tomv8 (DayZ)

    CD Key in use?

    you downloaded a hack,script,installer,aid whatever and it stole your cdkey.
  3. tomv8 (DayZ)

    What the f*** did just happen?

    he said the data is taken straight from the stats. so it just copies what it says on the frontpage
  4. Woo the hackers are getting banned and being crying wee babies with their excuses!
  5. Buy it through steam :). Ive seen several threads where people who bought retail got the cdkey stolen through registry. but steam games are linked to one steam account. also the mod's + game is great.
  6. teleported us all into the sky high. look down. millions of cows with parachutes. oh my god. end game gear. no need. cows <3! it was the funniest thing ever! i still hate you though :|
  7. tomv8 (DayZ)

    hacker just made my day

    found dogs and crashed ac130s. im actually enjoying this rofl
  8. well. i opened the game.. joined the server.. it works. so yeah its playable /sarcasm ive only seen 1 hacker in 160 hours of gameplay. uk servers ftw!
  9. fully repaired server: gb #500. the one that says 'pauls server' on the road leading out of cherno NORTH NORTH NORTH ROAD found a pickup truck(i was in gaz) so i swapped should be full repair gaz there :3
  10. tomv8 (DayZ)

    ah poo :)

    finally got my first as50. got 4 clips and a m249 saw with 3 clips. join one server and notice my entire inventory is wiped and all ammo gone from backpack. poo! anyway does anybody know any high populated uk/gb servers?? wana get more into the pvp atmosphere(gonna killmyself ;) )
  11. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Will the whiners ever understand?

    tbh when people whine i think it pressurizes rocket into hurrying to release patches instead of thoroughly testing them. just my opinion. stop whining :)
  12. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Kamenka start?

    same. happened 3 times now was at stary spawned at elektro -.-
  13. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Where do you live in Dayz?

    skalisty island. got a boat there :3
  14. tomv8 (DayZ)

    anyone want my old car?

    no i stopped playing there. hackers took my vehicles ;(!!
  15. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Where is the place to look for a camp?

    i found 5 at skalisty island. loaded with mid game stuff
  16. tomv8 (DayZ)

    A question.

    no nothing bad, :) only made the game worse for over a million more players no biggie /sarcasm
  17. tomv8 (DayZ)

    A question.

    he hacked but please dont judge his real life.
  18. tomv8 (DayZ)

    A question.

    scum. read my other thread.. absolute scum.
  19. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Will the standalone have the same map?

    and 3 years i would wait B)
  20. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Will the standalone have the same map?

    225 km2 is too smalll for me. a 1000km2 map would be beast
  21. constructable jetpacks. my god... 50 scrap. 100 tin cans. 15 main rotor assembleys (just some crazy way to make it)
  22. so me and my friend in a toyota offroad chillin at end of road near kamenka we started making a campfire crucifix :3. when i hear a gunshot AMFG AS50 GUY RIGHT NEXT TO US. so we get in a car start driving away. he teleports us constantly to him im like 'please dude just let us off please we worked hard for this car and our stuff' he stops for 30 seconds then starts teleporting about 50 metres infront of me and starts shooting me in the windshield :'( he kept doing this over and over i cry. he then teleports me on the sandy bit im like 'stoooopppp qq' and i dced.. it was very adrenaline pumping but im upset about the car. ;( first encoutner with a hacker in 55 hours i tried getting his name ;( server was gb #500 (the one that ends in pauls server) im so upset about the vehicle but im fine with being alive with my m20 something saw and ghillie :3 it was kinda fun i suppose. dodging his bullets :\
  23. im in lobby with em now. im not joining. on this server i have 4 cars ;(!! theyve ruined my precious vehicle!!! -.- they gave my friend nvgs (he refused so they forced him to equip) so i told him to instant alt+f4 so they vanish this is first hackers vie seen, course im excited it was fun ;s
  24. please move this to accusations or something. friend will be uploading video soon :)