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tomv8 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by tomv8 (DayZ)

  1. finally got my first as50. got 4 clips and a m249 saw with 3 clips. join one server and notice my entire inventory is wiped and all ammo gone from backpack. poo!

    anyway does anybody know any high populated uk/gb servers?? wana get more into the pvp atmosphere(gonna killmyself ;) )

  2. Well I didn't expect people to get this pissed off. But thanks Racer. Hate me as you want, It's not like I blew up a city or something.

    no nothing bad, :) only made the game worse for over a million more players no biggie


  3. Just a little excited, are we?

    All I can say is: play on a different server and hope there isn't anymore kids who think they are cool.(Hackers)

    Also- Pro Tip: Disconnect whenever something obviously hacked happens, such as "Welcome to the THUNDERDOME" or "Welcome to MORTAL KOMBAT"


    im in lobby with em now. im not joining.

    on this server i have 4 cars ;(!!

    theyve ruined my precious vehicle!!! -.- they gave my friend nvgs (he refused so they forced him to equip) so i told him to instant alt+f4 so they vanish

    this is first hackers vie seen, course im excited it was fun ;s
