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tomv8 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by tomv8 (DayZ)

  1. ive been using this. texture gltiches lot more rarer (14 hours gameplay) using nvidia gtx 260
  2. tomv8 (DayZ)

    anyone want my old car?

    also there should be 2 or so jerry cans in gear sorry im very cautious and scared(died once in 42 hours of gameplay) sorry your so far away :( also the west of mryisko theres a damaged pickup truck :3
  3. tomv8 (DayZ)

    is this any good?

    found an L85 aws or something. kinda shit so im still using my m2 something saw. should i use the aws?? is it any good?
  4. tomv8 (DayZ)

    is this any good?

    same when i tested it was just night vision :(
  5. tomv8 (DayZ)

    is this any good?

    oh ive found a vehicle ive been using a while it has like 22 jerry cans and 9 stanag sd mags. could this be hacked?? also its thermal?! so is my saw better or the l85w.e also estonian i trust nobody sorry ;( ok im keeping it in my vehicle but im going off dayz. lets hope it dont get nicked :3
  6. To the people who keep posting threads about hackers/how much you wasted your money. shut up. your an idiot. every game has hackers. also nobody forced you to buy arma 2 co. also its arma 2 co you bought not dayz. ive been playing dayz for about 12 hours now and ive not met one hacker yet. you just post on these forums and then get trolled the hell out. its just irritating because i want to see some interesting topics here not. 'OMFG I WASTUD 30 DAHLLAZ ON DAY ZEH HAX ETC ETC' you didnt waste any money you bought a game with that money. you just seem butthurt :\ by all means reply saying that this thread is just as bad as those threads. but please dont say stuff like 'i have no life, no girlfriend, look ugly' you cant judge me over a forum ;)
  7. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    your welcome have a nice day <_<
  8. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    i thought that when i posted it. i just expected everyone to be idiots and not realise. you have my beans for having brains.
  9. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    your judging me over a forum? you know nothing about me?! why are you so mean?
  10. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    sure, but theyre surrounded by 'this game is dying' 'dayz is dead' 'hackers took over' 'gg i quit hackers' threads. pressing that load more topics button.. my god
  11. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    i highly doubt once i find one the amount of hackers will increase.
  12. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    how am i bitching? im adressing the annoying people that everybody seems to hate. what country are you in? cause here im allowed to express my opinion without any idiot jumping on my back in seconds ;)
  13. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    im complaining about the people complaining about hackers. i wouldnt mind if i saw somebody complaining about other stuff like how overpowered a shotgun is etc. as i said above. im waiting for the next idiotic reply :)
  14. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    you opened it. decided to reply. something mustve caught your eye.
  15. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    im complaining about the people complaining about hackers. i wouldnt mind if i saw somebody complaining about other stuff like how overpowered a shotgun is etc.
  16. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Why are you complaining?

    fuck it!! somebody posted in a general discussion forum! are you fucking retarded? general discussion 'GENERAL DISCUSSION'
  17. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Fix for render glitches!

    hes not lying simplyfresh..
  18. tomv8 (DayZ)

    Don't bother visiting this server

    thanks for the heads up
  19. tomv8 (DayZ)

    My first few hours in dayz.

    Went better than expected. Im new to dayz but have watched videos so im not a complete recruit. Life 1: i spawn in electro at night. wandering around i find a hatchet. i go to loot a church and notice tent and wire. i climb over the wire using V and notice someone run past entrance. i ran out looked around and saw him go past a gap inbetween two buildings. i thought he was luring zombies to me or flanking me, unfortunately for him im too good at flanking ;) i ended up 1m behind him for about 50 seconds tryna hit him. he turns around shoots me twice. i kill him. zombies swarm and kill us. *weep* Life 2: spawn in another city. walk around for a bit and i accidently find the corpse of me and the killed. i loot some akm and map compass morphine epilep pen. and set off . when some bloody sniper on a building snipes me. karma.. Life 3:spawned near cherno (im using a map weep weep) gather basic supplies but manage to find an akm. i go meet up with my friend (unessarcary boring details skipped). so we both set off for balota from the west most point of map. we see a zombie so we decide to shoot it. boom it dies, all is well and quite, until. holy crap 50 zombies sprinting out of this village towards us. we're like (yep) we laughed our asses off as some zombie with some gorrilla walk limped up to us. killed em all. i had 3.5k blood friend had 2k blood. we arrived at the military tents near balota airfield at a distance i see some1 climbing the deerstand, being the evil person i am(kill or be killed) i shot 3 rounds into him for a distance. my god i felt guilty. we go to loot his body. in the base i notice someone(probably his friend) just exit a tent. i quickly ended his misery. both had akm with around 2-3 mags each. i had 2 murders and 117 zombie kills. i didnt notice that i was bleeding to death (blurgh dead) end of life 3 it was fun :) Life 4:spawned in elektro again gathered some suppleis found 2 mp5s and an ak74m i put the mp5s in my alice pack for friend(we have to meet up hes west elektro(luckyspawns(yay))) went to a barn to leave the town when my friend glitches and flies through the roof. goes unconscious and breaks his leg. oh my god. what the frick. it was so hilarious i was dragging his body till he became conscious then we crawled for 10-15 mins to hospital to gather some antibiotics(found 3) morphine(4) blood(2) and other medical shizzle. now we set off into the woods setting our tent living the life :> dayz is wonderful in my opinion! sidenote: ive noticed people complaining about bandits, shutup. honestly ive been on crowded server with only one sniper. and he went away! stop complaining about people killing you. you're just sore cause you didnt kill them first. excuse the grammar okay now me and my friend want to get a car. any tips??
  20. tomv8 (DayZ)

    My first few hours in dayz.

    oh also on life 4 in elektro i went into a church and some1 let off a flare behind me. i knew what was gonna happen. he was tryna trick me into looking there. i knew he waas going to log into diff server and go behind me. so i waited. there he appeared! sneaky cunty pussy bugger! cant fight anyone face front! i put 6 revolver rounds into him, he bleeds from every orifice and vanishes. WTF he just vanishes!? either way logging and relogging to get oppurtinity on players is a pussy move