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About tharo

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello all, I just started hosting a server and not an hour after its up I see the following text in my script.txt file. this does not look good hacks from the look of it. How do i know who exec-ed these scripts. The first 2 lines look like name but were not on server when i saw this. Not sure if those are names or not. Also no data in the scripts.log file. Please help with dealing with this. Thank you, Aaron From scripts.txt: this is only a small part of the txt many more weapons and such followed 5 Loki 5 Gerk 5 (vehicle player) addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { false }]; 5 GodMode 5 Infammo 5 InfiniteAmmo 5 Infinite Ammo 5 Killplayer 5 OwnageMenu 5 TempPublic 1 EjectPlayer 1 processInitCommands 5 onMapSingleClick 5 Bo_Mk82 5 player addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { false }];